9 ~ Hannah

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I drag my butt out of bed on Tuesday to get to Music history class to get this dumb quiz over with. Lizzie meets me in front of the building our class is in so we can walk in together and it makes my heart warm.

"Morning, Bug." She greets, making me look up in surprise at the new name.

"Morning, Sunshine." I respond easily, smiling when she scrunches her nose.

I follow her into the building and we find our seats at the back of the class. I jump a little as she reaches over to brush her finger over the bee still drawn on my skin. It's faded but still there. She doesn't say anything about it and sits back in her seat as Hannah comes to stand in front of us.

"Oh hey" I greet.

"Morning, ready for this thing?" She asks, taking the seat on the other side of me.

"Yeah it should be easy." Lizzie replies, crossing her legs and turning to face towards us.

"Yeah I think it will be okay, you'll do great." I encourage, earning a smile from my new friend. At least I think we are friends. Hannah doesn't reply and just offers a small smile as our Professor starts class.

The quiz doesn't take me long at all but I stick around for a few minutes to wait for Lizzie to finish too. I get my bag together and hand in my quiz when I see Lizzie checking over her answers. I lean up against the wall outside the door to wait for her and look around the empty hallway.

A few students come out but none are Lizzie. After the third one that left, she strolls out and spots me quickly. "Aw you waited." She comments with a smile, cuddling up to my side, her hand slipping into mine.

"Of course. Want to go sit in the park? It's nice out." I suggest and she nods, humming in agreement. We walk over to the elevator and I step forward to push the down button before returning to her side. I notice we are still holding hands and it makes my cheeks heat up. Does she even realize what she's doing to me?

I mean, she obviously knows I'm into girls and has made it clear we are friends. So why is she being all touchy feely when she knows it could give me the wrong impression? The thought that she's playing with me crosses my mind but I shoot it down just as quick as it came. She wouldn't do that.

I drop her hand when the elevator door opens, too lost in my thoughts to act normal. She doesn't react and follows me into it, still standing next to me. I shove my hands into my pockets and read the random safety flyers while we descend, feeling awkward for no reason. My attention is grabbed by her humming though and I look over to her.

I smile when I realize something. "Are you humming Tenerife Sea?" I ask and she looks over in surprise, like she didn't realize she was even doing it.

"Oh uh. Yeah I guess. It's pretty." She shrugs and steps out of the elevator. I follow her out of the building and fall into step with her until we find a free bench to chill before our next classes. "Let's go exploring this weekend." She suggests.

"Oh that's right, we said we would explore every neighborhood." I recall and she nods.

"Let's start with Soho...I kind of want to do some shopping." She shares and I nod.

"Sounds good to me. I have a music rehearsal space booked every Friday afternoon for this semester." I share the news that I got all set up over the weekend.

"That's awesome! You can write all the time. Can I come?" She asks and shifts to lay her legs over my lap, leaning back to bask in the warm sun. It makes me smile at how carefree she is.

"Of course. You're always invited." I assure her, resting my arms over her shins.

"Good, I have to be there to finish the song." She reminds me. She's very invested in this and it makes me really happy that she's showing interest in something I love to do. Our conversation ends there as we relax in the warm end of summer air. Students start moving around as classes end and I check the time to make sure she's not late to her next class.

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant