32 ~ Answers

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Lizzie POV (Trigger warning for mention of abuse)

I watch as she lowers her arm slowly, her shoulder muscles softening as her hard glare softens. "Elizabeth...what aren't you telling me?" She asks quietly.

"I...I told you everything." I deny and she shakes her head.

"Don't lie to me and don't lie for him." She requests and I swallow harshly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I deny again.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Elizabeth..." She whispers gently despite the bite to her words. "...you know you can tell me."

"And what good would that do? Why do you think I can't say it? Why can't I tell you?" I question to avoid answering.

"Because you're scared...and you feel worthless and like you deserved it. You feel like you deserved the way he treated you because you hurt me." She reads me like a fucking book. I drop my gaze to the floor, my eyes blurring with tears.

"I did deserve it." I whisper.

"Lizzie...don't you dare say that ever again. Did I deserve it? Did I deserve to be hit and treated like that?" She counters.

"No, of course you didn't. You've never done anything wrong. You didn't deserve what she did and you didn't deserve what I did either." I quickly reply, afraid she heard me wrong.

"I don't care what you did to me...no one deserves to be manipulated and hurt. Now tell me, what did he do?" She states patiently and calmly. So calm it's almost scary. I don't answer, my eyes traveling around the room instead of looking at her. "Elizabeth, it's me, you know I'll understand. Please." She requests, her voice wavering.

I still don't answer. I don't even know where to start.

"Did he hit you?" She finally asks and I choke on a sob. I nod because I don't trust my words. "Did you touch you?" She asks and I cover my face with my hands. "That mother fucker." She mutters and storms out of the room. I look up in surprise. Where the fuck is she going?

"Y/N, what's going on?" Pam asks when she sees how red with anger she is, pacing around the room.

"I'm going to murder someone." She seethes and Pam looks at me in confusion. She sees the tears running down my face and looks between us a few times.

"Uh...who?" Pam asks.

"That Russian asshole that decided he was going to hurt her." Y/N explains and I stand helplessly, unsure on what to say or do. I've never seen her this angry.

"What...are you gonna walk to Russia? Dude chill." Pam tries and grabs Y/N's shoulders.

"He hurt her!" She yells and Pam looks at me again.

"Okay okay, I get it. I do but you need to calm down. She's safe. Right? She's here. She's safe." Pam negotiates with her friend but it doesn't seem to be working.

"Bug please." I plead. She stops moving and looks over at me, her posture softening at the sight of me. She slowly walks up to me in her doorway until we are face to face. Her eyes scan my face for any flaw but she won't find it. He was smarter than that. I swallow back another sob before speaking. "He slapped me, he was drunk and I told him no. He...tried to um...he tried. But I um...I got away and." I stop. I haven't told anyone. Too ashamed of what happened and how it's my fault.

I chose the man. I chose to stay in a foreign country with a man I barely knew. What did I expect to happen? I walked myself right into a bad situation that was a result of my selfishness. It's my karma for hurting the one person that would never hurt me.

See You Later ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now