You grit your teeth and whimper slightly as you feel every shard, one by one by one being purified by positivity. When Dream winces by a whimper, you urge him to keep on going and that it was fine.

Then you feel the grogginess clear up. You don't have to fight as much.

You can talk better now as your rage simmers away, you can think straight now, albeit a bit exhausted.

You felt bad for Dream. You'll make it up to him. You promise.

"You're doing good, Dream," you murmur, "Almost done," you say as you see the last 4-5 shards clearing up and returning to their original colors.

Dream lets out a shuddering breath, murmuring encouragement to himself as you start to hope to help his powers by giving him positivity.

"You can do this," you smile.

When the last shard is finished, Dream sighs as he then promptly passes out.

You hold him in your arms and sigh.

'Y/n, are you back to-' Nightmare says as he comes back out of the mind space, and then he chokes on his sentence, not being able to finish what he was about to say when he starts to cry.

You were ok, and Dream was with you.

"Yes, yes," you nod with a tired smile, "Dream and I are fine. I'm glad it worked." You say.

Your last hope was to call on Error if you went berserk before Dream broke out of stone. He would be able to hold you back. He... would probably demand answers later, and you suppose that it would be best to tell him if at any time, a problem like this arises again. And... it seems that Dream was able to hear you through the stone, too.

You hear static and block the portal with your tendrils, "Only Error is allowed to come through," you speak, but you can't help but chuckle quietly as you hear a few quiet relieved 'boss!' Nodding to yourself, you uncover the portal and Error promptly walks through and closes the portal immediately.

Looking at Error, your eye socket widens in shock, he had a few cracks spider webbing from his eye socket to his head, and he had a few healing cuts on him, looking battered.

"Slippery octopus," He grumbles to himself angrily, wincing when he makes too sudden movements.

"Error. I apologize," You start and Error glares at you as he marches up to you.

"What the fuck was that!?" he demands, grabbing the collar of your sweater and lifting you slightly up. You don't struggle, letting him do whatever he pleases, "The stupid anomalies start to pesker me. You are attacking fucking everything! You get sick for a while, avoid everyone, and then you start attacking! You are one fucking slippery bastard," You grin to the last sentence, glad to know that you were so strong, "Dont fucking smile! WH@T. H@PP3NNED!?" He fumes.

You hold up your arms and then speak, "Let's talk civilly, Error, I know you have many questions, and I am willing to answer if you put me down," You pointedly look at his hand. When Error notices that he's touching you, glitches start to spark angrily on his form when he realizes that he was touching someone.

He immediately lets go of you as if you were made of fire.

"I suppose that it's time to tell you what really was happening," You say, "So, 5 centuries ago, I merged with Passive!Nightmare and Corrupted!Nightmare, we are 3 entities living in one body, you could say."

Error lifts aup a bone brow in amusement, like you were dumb. You huff, shapeshifting, you turn into your past self, "This is how I used to look like," You speak, a feminine voice now speaking. Error looks at you in shock before you shapeshift back, "If you want, I can let you meet Nightmare and Corrupt."

Error nods, "Sure whatever. But this should practically an-"

Your goop reforms as you leave the body and Nightmare steps in excitedly, shocking Error once again "Ahhh! Hello Error! It is nice to meet you, I am Nightmare, Dream's brother, Dream is the one who saved Y/n!" He says, giddy, that his brother was out of the stone prison, acting childishly, "Now to Corrupt!" he says, and Corrupt promptly switches with him, the form breaking apart to form the goop, making Error look horrified with no words to be able to come out of his mouth after seeing the bones splinter and break apart for the goop.

"Yes. Hello, I am Corrupt, as named by Nightmare and Y/n," Corrupt states and the sighs he pinches his nasal bridge, "The two are off playing card games in the mindspace so I suppose I'll tell you all about what happened and how this happened," he says.

~I was a bit lazy on that part so forgive me if it seemed a little rushed, T- T, but after Corrupt explained everything and called on Y/n to take his place~

"So yeah. That is basically what has happened and led to this point, If it happens again, I trust you'll be able to hold me back? If... that's ok?" You question uncertainly.

Error rubs his temple in frustration as he huffs, "Fine. But your sorry coccyx owes me fucking big time. Got that?"

"Yes, that and can you please not tell anyone else? I don't really want anyone else to know for now," You add and Error sighs.

"Fine. Anything else you want to add?" he asks snarkily and you shake your skull.

"No. But thanks a lot Error,"

'Whatever," he rolls his eye lights, "The rest are waiting for you," he says as he opens a portal. And looking back at you, he speaks again, "Sooner or later, your anomalies will figure you out. And you will have to tell them if you keep on planning to keep them."

You gingerly pick dream up, and nod, "Yeah, I know. I'll think about it and then I'll tell you my choice when I'm done." You say and Error huffs before stepping through the portal with a nod. Then as you hold Dream, you panic- isn't it painful for Dream to touch you or be near you since your made of negativity !? Oh shoot- Shoot- SHOOT- you quickly place him down to see if he got injured, but strangely, he didn't. Then you remembered the barrier that gave him a light purple translucent shine, almost invisible on him. It-... seemed that Dream could stay with you after all. The barrier nightmare put on Dream stayed on him and it actually didn't let him get harmed by negativity as the shield required negativity to be active, so it always sucked up the negativity around Dream. Dream could still feel negativity, but now because of the barrier, the negativity in your realm won't harm him! When you told Nightmare, Nightmare was ecstatic. As well as you yourself. Because you wouldn't like to fight against Dream if he joined the Star Sans's.

Chuckling, you give Error a wave and then straighten out your expression and posture. God. You felt tired all of a sudden, you need a damn good rest right now. But that can wait, you have to tell your gang that everything was alright now.

Walking through the portal that was in front of your bedroom, you go and walk inside, putting Dream under the blankets of your soft bed, you were so tempted to jump on the bed and fall asleep immediately but you couldn't do that right now, you tucked Dream in and teleported to your throne room and ordered the nearest guard, "#834, Get my gang here, now." The shadow papyri gave you a bow and then scurried off.


Abt the choices- I don't know if anyone caught onto the color scheme I put in or thought of it, but I thought of it as purple = passive, and blue = Corrupt. If that makes sense, on why purple was good and blue was bad.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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