13 | out with the old

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"new is the best thing to happen in this town

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"new is the best thing to happen in this town."

Over the past couple of months, everyone was talking about Prissy and Mr. Phillip's wedding that was coming. Aliya was unsure if she should attend, only because most people knew how she felt about it. At the moment, she was with her sister, Ruby, and Diana at their writing hut. The older red-haired girl wasn't paying attention, as she was busy trying to figure out if she should cut her hair again. Her hair has grown a few inches, along with Anne's, and felt as if she enjoyed that shorter hair.

"Anne, he called her 'darling pet.' Diana said. This caught Aliya's focus and she looked up at the brunette. Did the two girls find that nickname romantic? Charming? It was as basic as Josie.

"That proposal is about as amorous as Mr. Phillips doing roll call." She sarcasticlly said. The girls glanced over at her, as if they heard a ghost speak. "Plus, it's basic. Just like Mr. Phillips marrying Prissy. Does that man have a hard time finding a woman his own age? It's absolutely disgusting." She added. This caused the others to cringe at the thought of the girl being engaged to her teacher. Well, except for Ruby.

"Well, I think them marrying is romantic. I can't wait for Gilbert to propose to me. I've already planned most of our wedding." The small girl replied. Now it was Aliya's turn to cringe. She hated how obsessed the girl was. Don't get her wrong, it's cute to think about if they were four years younger, but they were grown teenagers and it was quite odd that she constantly thought about the somewhat 'future' she would have with the boy.

"I'm pretty sure Gilbert already has someone else in mind to marry." Anne mumbled. Aliya heard what she said, but neither of the other girls did. They looked at her in confusion, but she chose to ignore it emotions on their face.

School was dreadful and boring. Mr. Phillips was currently going over math formulas students need to have memorized for the Queens Enterance Exams. Aliya didn't bother paying attention, not because she already knew it, but if she kept listening to this pedophile talk for a one more minute, she was going to open her mouth. As if the lord had been listening to the girl's thoughts, the school door open. Aliya turned to see who it was and was shocked to see Bash.

"Bash." Her and Gilbert said at the same time, before looking at each other.

"Good morning. Pardon, I need to have a word with Gilbert, please." He said to Mr. Phillips. The teacher was going to say something, but Aliya made eye contact with him and shook her head. The girl and Gilbert went to the coat room to talk to the man.

"What happened? You look awfully ill." Aliya said to him, while feeling his forehead. He was running a fever. She looked at a Gilbert for some sort of explaniation but he didn't say anything.

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