24 | calling of the future

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"life goes on in chapters

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"life goes on in chapters."

Diana ran into the room with tension built up inside her, jumping on Aliya's bed, not saying a word. The red head stared at the girl, not knowing what was going on. She left the room for a moment to grab ahold of her sister and brought her back into it. Anne looked at her dearest friend, laying in the bed, and sat down next to her.

"What happened?" She asked. The room stayed silent, no words being spoken. This frightened the sisters. The brunette has never stayed quiet for this long. Aliya began walking toward the bed and sat down on the other side of her. She placed her hand on the silent girl's shoulder, causing her to look over at her. Diana sighed and sat up, keeping her eye contact at her knees.

"I can't fly." Is what she replied with. Aliya was quite confused, not understanding what was being said. She looked up at her sister, who had formed a frown on her face. She must of known what going on.

"They forbade you?" The younger red head questioned. She looked up at Aliya, who still had no idea what was going on in front of her. "Her parents aren't allowing her to go to Queens." Once this was stated, the older girl became furious. How could someone's parents keep them from going to school? Supporting their child, who wants to furth her education? Aliya stood up from her spot and began pacing back and forth in her room, trying to cool her raising temp before saying anything. Diana watched her as she walked inbetween the inclosed space.

"I-I don't know what to do." The girl began to sob, not being able to contain her emotions any longer. Anne pulled her into a hug and once Aliya noticed, she walked back over to the bed and joined in.

"They'll change their minds. You'll go to the school you want to. They'll understand." Aliya mumbled. Diana hoped she was right, but she wasn't sure if her parents would care to change their minds. Only time could tell.

"You've been very quiet today, Aliya." Marilla spoke, turning to look at the girl who was staring outside the window. She had not moved an inch in the pass hour, having too much on her mind and not wanting to say anything. The older woman sighed and turned back to face the bed. "I'm sorry you're so blue to be leaving Diana and Anne, but your future is still bright. And haven't we had fun shopping for your next big adventure? Shall we try this on you?" Marilla turned to face her again, holding a white corset in her hands. Aliya still hadn't moved, arms crossed and looking outside of the window. When the woman noticed, she cleared her throat, catching the girl's attention and held out the corset. The red head sighed and walked over to the woman who was now in front of her vanity. Marilla began putting the corset on her daughter. "Take heart, dear one. All is not lost. This will still be an exciting new chapter in your life. There's no two ways about it." Marilla tightened the body shaping item while Aliya looked at herself in the mirror.

"I want to be happy, I just can't be. Diana is in the depths of despair and I am desperately worried about her. Anne is going to a completely different school from and I'm going to miss her dearly while we are apart. Gilbert is marrying the girl of his dream and that girl is not me..." The girl finally got the courage to say. She felt tears threatening to spill from her eyes, but she could not show her weakness infront of her mother. Marilla tied up the strings to the corset and looked at her daughter in the mirror for a moment.

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