14 | fighting for what's right

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"the power of learning

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"the power of learning."

The day started out lovely. Aliya and Anne were walking to school, with Marilla, discussing what they were going to learn today in class. Ever since Ms. Stacy has arrived, classes have been much more engaging and interesting. Aliya is learning more now than she ever did with Mr. Phillips. As the school appeared in their sight of vision, they ran up to the door and hurriedly put their items in the cloakroom, except for Marilla who took her time getting to the door.

Once the bell rang, all the students pushed the desks to the side of room and stood by the table in the center, surrounding the teacher. Marilla decided to sit and watch the class today, wondering what the woman has been teaching her adopted daughters. Aliya looked down at the surface and noticed a few ununsual things sitting on it, wondering what Ms. Stacy's plan was. It looked interesting, say the least.

"Science changes the world for the better. Does anyone know what electricity is?" Ms Stacy asked the class.

"Light." Aliya replied, knowing that the correct answer is some sort of energy. The girl wanted to give someone else a chance to reply to the teacher, but not shocked to hear Gilbert's voice

"A form of energy." He answered. She looked over at the boy and admired him for a quick second, before paying attention to what Ms. Stacy was teaching. She was explaining the different types of electricity and how they work in their own special way. Aliya looked down at the table and saw four potatoes with nails sticking out of them. The teacher kept on doing her work and at the end of her explanition, the Progressive Mothers walked in right as the light bulb lit up. This excited the children, but not the mothers.

"Why, hello!" Ms. Stacy cheered, after turning around and facing the women. "Good timing. We were just brightening our day. Won't you join us?" She asked while walking towards the group of anger women. Aliya looked back down at the surface and noticed Moody going to pick up one of the potatoes.

"Does it taste like chocolate?" He asked. The boy went to put it in his mouth.

"Moody, no!"

"No!" But it was too late. Moody got shocked and dropped the potato, along with the light bulb, that shattered on the ground. "Nobody move!" Gilbert exclaimed. Everyone stood in their place, not daring to take a step out of it. The mothers looked even more furious than before, causing a sort of worry in Aliya's stomach.

Aliya and Gilbert made it to his house when they noticed Bash wasn't around. They both had an idea about where the man was, but decided not worry about at this moment. The girl made tea for the both of them and something to snack on. Gilbert was grateful to meet someone as kind and generous as Aliya. Every time they spend time together, it's like a breathe of fresh air. The girl was always happy and energized without a care in the world. However, Gilbert always questioned what her life was like before coming here, but he chose never to ask about it.

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