01 | new environment

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"the start of a new life awaits us, anne

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"the start of a new life awaits us, anne."

Sitting on a bench at the train station was something Aliya Shirley never imagined happening to her. Although she was confused as why a pair of siblings wanted to adopt her, along with her sister, during the summer month of June, she figured it was better than being at that hostile orphanage they were living at. Dark. Grimy. Chaotic. No child should have to live like that. The sisters there did not care about the children nor take care of them. Bullying was a major problem, especially towards her sister, Anne. Aliya would always step in and stand up for her little sister. The other girls in the orphanage would beat her, harass her, and always get her in some sort of trouble. However, she did not mind it, only due to the fact she was protecting Anne.

"Ali, when do you think they're going to get here?" Anne asked while looking out in the distant. Aliya looked at each end of the station and saw no one in sight. She replied, "I'm not sure, Little A."

They sat in silence for what felt like hours. The door of the station building opened and the girls saw the conductor and an older man walk out while looking at them.

"These are the two children that came from Nova Scotia. They've be here for hours." The conductor tells the older gentlemen. He looked at them confused and gestured them to follow him to his carriage. Both girls set their bags in the back and walked to the front to sit by the man.

"What's your name?' Anne asked eagerly. Aliya was not as thrilled to start her life with another family, but hopefully this time it will be different. She's been to three different homes and they all didn't treat her like a child.She was used to do household chores, take care of the other children, and to make sure everything was in outstanding condition.

"Matthew. Matthew Cuthbert. W-what's your names?" he stuttered. It seems as if he has never been around a child before. This must be his first time adopting.

"Anne Shirley. Oh and this is my sister Aliya. She isn't much of a talker. She quite quiet most days. She has a hard time opening up." Anne looked over at her sister with gleeful eyes and started looking around at the scenery. "My look at all these trees. So vibrant and colorful. I've never seen colors such as so. Oh look, geese! Did you know geese mate for life? It's so romantic. However, I'm not a romantic person. So I can't relate, but it's so beautiful and triumphant."

Anne is the outgoing, talkative sister. She has a great imagination, which helped her with her reading and writing. She's such a bright girl at a young age. Only 13 years old and a smarter than most men Aliya has ever met. On the other hand, Aliya is the shy one. She may be quiet, but she's quite smart. She taught herself most of things she knows. She loves reading, writing painting, and helping people in need.
Aliya is only one year older than Anne, causing them to be close.

After what seemed like hours of Anne talking to Mr. Cuthbert, they finally arrive at Green Gables. They approach the gate and Aliya hopped out of her spot to unlatch it. The carriage went through and she latched it back up and followed them to the front of the house.

"Doesn't this look amazing, Aliya? Such a scrumptious sight to take in." Anne cheered. Aliya chuckled at her little sister while collecting their bags. Matthew offered to grab them, but she told him she can handle it.

While they were walking up to the house, an older woman came outside with a look of disbelief. She looked at Mr. Cuthbert and back at the two girls. "Matthew, I asked for two boys. Why are these girls doing here?"

Aliya looked at Anne with a numb expression. This is exactly how she wanted to spend her day out of the hell hole of a orphanage - not being wanted by the people that adopted them.

"This is who they sent. I didn't want to leave them there with no where to go." Matthew replied. He glimpsed over at the two girls with a worried expression. Anne fell on her knees and started crying.

"Anne, get up. You can't act like this. Every thing will be okay, I can assure you." Aliya said while helping her sister off the ground. The older woman looked at the two girls and sighed.

"Alright. Girls, come inside and wash up for supper. I'm not going to turn you away for the night. Tomorrow we'll go back and tell them there was a big misunderstanding." The woman said. Aliya took Anne's right hand and grabbed both bags and went inside to prepared for the meal.

After visiting the next place the girls would end up going to if sent back, Marilla decided to keep both the girls and raise them as her own. Aliya was relieved that she had a change of heart. She couldn't bare seeing her sister upset and feeling unwanted. Her sister's happiness is all she needs to be satisfied in life.

"Anne, can you come set the table for breakfast? And Aliya, please come help me cook the eggs!" Marilla yelled to the girls upstairs. Aliya was the first one down as she's been up since sunrise. She walked into the kitchen and placed four eggs into the boiling
water. Eventually, Anne came down and set the table. Plates, silverware, glasses, and egg cups. Everything needed for this morning.

Matthew, Marilla, and the girls sat around the table and ate as a family. To Aliya, it felt weird being at a place for this long and not having to change a baby's cloth. She looked over at Marilla and smiled. Although the woman was stern when they first met, over this past week, she's grown to like her.

"Marilla, is it alright if I take a look around Avonlea today and get use to my surroundings? It's quite unusual for us to be staying somewhere for this long." Aliya asked. The older woman looked at the 14 year old with a smile on her face.

"Of course. Take Anne with you so she can also learn her ways around the island." The girls smiled brightly and hurried along outside the door. They both stood on the top step and looked at each other.

"The start of a new life awaits us, Anne." Aliya says to her sister. Anne chuckled and grabbed ahold of her hand to start their new adventure.


ahhhhhh! i hope you guys enjoyed the first actual part! if there's an suggestions you would like to see me add, let me know!

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