11 | surprise

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"he's finally back and i'm at ease

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"he's finally back and i'm at ease."

Aliya and Anne were walking their way to school with Diana, talking about what they should write about later in their club hut. Aliya was quite distant from the conversation and was focusing on the nature surrounding them, while thinking about the letter she sent to Gilbert. She doesn't understand why he hasn't written back. It's been three weeks, he sure must have read it already.

The girl broke from her daze when she saw that they were in front of the school house. Aliya saw the two girls that walked with her run over to their group of friends and she decided to join them for a change. All the girls place there glasses of milk into the creek when, suddenly, Aliya felt her skirt get pulled up with some of the boys making comments while doing it. Aliya screeched and turned around in shock.


Aliya was tying her boots before she left to go out into the gated yard to read her book. When she was still bent over, her dress was pulled over her head. The girl screamed and shouted, telling the other orphan girls to stop, but they wouldn't listen.

"Look at Princess Cordelia now."

"We can see your bloomers."

"Little scarecrow."

The others girls taunted her and held in her that position. Her back was starting to hurt, but she couldn't get the girls to release her. She was there for minutes getting made fun of and force in an arch. Once she finally broke free, the taunting continued.

"Aliya Shirley, you are the scrawniest, homeliest red-haired freckled witch that ever lived." The older girl said. "No one will ever want you." The laughter surrounding her didn't stop. She was terrified and scared of what they'll do next.

"Keep your hands off!" Aliya shouted at the boys. They laughed as the girl stood there in a furious mood. She didn't understand how they could think that this was funny. Pulling up a girl's dress skirt is not a laughing matter. It's an invasion of privacy.

"You mustn't mind them, Aliya. They're just boys being boys. They love to torment our lives." Diana said to the girl, with a smile on her face. Anne looked at the girl in confusion, also knowing it was not alright to do. Aliya quickly disagreed with the brown-haired girl and looked back over at the group of boys.

"A skirt is not an invitation! You may laugh at it all you want, but you, one day, shall know I'm right and you will learn from your wrong doings!" Aliya yelled at them. The boys and the other girls were laughing at the fact that she said this. The only one not laughing was Anne. Aliya went through a lot of torment at the orphanage, so she was happy the girl understood where she was going from.

Josie wanted everyone to stay after school to play some parlor games, but Aliya didn't like the idea and decided to head home. She was not going to play a game like 'Spin the Bottle,' when she knew well that if she wanted to kiss a boy, she would do it on her own terms. She arrived at Green Gables in no time and went straight inside the house to start helping Marilla with dinner.

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