15 | kindred spirit

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"the wholesome heart of a stranger

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"the wholesome heart of a stranger."

White layer on the ground. Horse going the speed of lightening. Wind blowing through hair. Aliya traveling around Prince Edward Island, taking time to smell the fresh air and admiring the beauty of nature. Her ombre'd hair in a lose braid, flowing with the air going passed her. The warmth of the sun hitting her skin, making her feel free in the world she has came accustomed to. The destination of her current journey was unknown, but just being out in the woods brought a some sort of serotonin in the girl's veins. Riding on the edge of a small cliff, she felt her hair get suddenly loose and free, causing her to look up at sky. The red ribbon that was just in her hair moments again, was now flying as if it was a bird. Aliya faced in front of her and shook her head, making the braid disappear, now showing her naturally curly hair. A smile formed on her face as she continued galloping. The horse laugh and chittered as it was running on the cold ground and headed towards the inner parts of the woods, taking a break.

"Come on, Belle." The girl said, encouraging the horse to continue on. Gazing at the upcoming trees, Aliya noticed fresh pine cones, growing upon the branches. She stopped the horse from walking and grabbed a hold of the growing plant. "This pinecone is the progeny of this tree. Mother and daughter. Family. Every tree here is connected to each other." The girl looked around at the trees surrounding her and took a deep breath. "I wonder what it must feel like to have such certainty in life. What it feels like to truly belong." Aliya faced down at Belle and pushed the left side of her hair behind her ear. "You'll know that soon enough, won't you?" The red head placed her hand on the horse's side and rubbed it for a moment. Belle would be giving birth soon enough and the girl cannot wait for the time to come. The horse chuffed at the girl, as if it was trying to remind her why she was out. "Of course, I'm late." The teenager traveled on to her true destination in a hurry, hoping not to miss anything important.

Heading towards the iced over lake, Aliya could hear her fellow classmates cheering on the people with skates on. The hockey game seemed to be getting quite intense, so hopefully, she made it in time to catch up with Ruby to see what kind of notes she had written down for the school paper. Belle and Aliya stopped at a near by tree so the girl can tie the animal up, just so it didn't run off.

She carefully ran over to her friends, walking passed most of them so she could be in the middle of the group, making sure she could see and hear everything that is going on. Once she was standing right next to Ruby, she glanced down at the snow and saw that the notebook that the girl was suppose to be writing in was sitting right on top of it. She picked it up and decided to flip through the pages, noticing that nothing was written down at all.

"Ruby, I thought you were supposed to be covering the game. Nothing has been put down yet."  Aliya said to the girl, who was obviously not paying attention. She looked up at her friend and followed where her gazed was focused on. She was not surprised to see it landed on Gilbert, who has matured quite a bit physically over the past few months. The girl shook her head and went back to what she was talking about before. "Do you even know the score?"

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