19 | so this is love?

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"the thought love never crossed my mind

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"the thought love never crossed my mind."

"But if you wish to see the true genuis and efficiency of Mother Nature, just look up at the trees above you." Ms. Stacy told the class as they were on a walk through the woods. Today's lesson was based on how the environemt works and the different types of living things that survive within the wilderness. Aliya was in the front of the group, looking around at the things surrounding her. Being out in the world of nature helped the girl release all stress on her shoulders and give her a chance to feel peace.

All the girls were walking with their designated boy, meaning the boys that they had a crush on. Anne was walking with Charlie, Josie was walking with Billy, and Tilly was walking with two boys at once, which impressed the red-head. Ruby, Diana, and Jane were in the back of the group, while Gilbert was walking somewhat in the middle of it. Aliya hadn't talk to the boy since he started visiting Winifred more. She wanted to keep her distance and not get distracted from her education.

"This kind of intelligence is not just limited to trees. We see it across all of nature, even with the birds and the bees." The teacher told the class, making most chuckle at the saying. The immaturity Aliya dealt with on a daily basis was unreal to her. Miss Stacy turned around with an annoyed look on her face and continued on with the lesson. "The bee collects pollen and nectar to feed the hive and create honey." The girl zoned out from the speaking woman to admire the sunlight peaking through from the high trees. Something caught her eye, making her zone back in. A yelp was heard and once she was finally mentally back, she looked over to see where the noise came from. Moody had slipped on a rock and fell to the ground.

"Moody!" Aliya and Gilbert shouted out while running over to the boy. He was screaming in pain, which is obviously not a good sign at the get go. Gilbert turned him over to lay him on his back and Aliya tried looking at the leg he was holding. She pulled down the ripped cotton on his pants and see a huge gash sitting there. The blood that was gushing out was not a pretty sight, to say the less. Ruby saw this and instantly passed out, making her fall to the ground as well.

"Gil, can you go check on her real quick?" Aliya asked the boy. He nodded his head and quickly went over to check on her. The girl observed the injury and knew the first thing she needed to was to stop the blood flow. She removed the ribbon sitting in her hair, letting it loose, and tied it right above the wound. "Does anyone here have honey?" She asked the group around her.

"I do, here." Gilbert said, walking back over to the girl while pulling out a jar of honey from his bag. She opened it up and stuck to fingers in the sticky substance before rubbing it on the gash. Moody hissed in pain, but the area needed to be clean as soon as possible. "She's just in shock by the way." Gilbert noted. Aliya nodded her head and went into to her bag to grab something. A leaf. She started directing it into Moody's mouth, but he kept shaking his head.

"It's from the weeping tree. It's for pain. Trust me, you're going to want to suck on it before I do what I'm going to do." The girl informed him. He hesitated, but agreed and put the leaf in his mouth. Aliya then dug through her bag for her sewing kit that she always had on her and carefully stuck the thread through the hole of the needle. She looked up at Moody and saw a nervous look on his face. "Gilbert, I'm going to need you to keep his leg down while I do this. Anne, go behind him and hold his shoulders. I don't want to mess this up." She said to the two standing behind her. They obliged and did what they were told.

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