02 | the nightmare awakes

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"she belongs here, whether you like it or not

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"she belongs here, whether you like it or not."

"Girls, I'm going to Mrs. Lynde's for a few hours! Make sure chores are done before I return!" Marilla yelled from the bottom of the staircase. Aliya waited until she heard the front door close to run down the stairs to complete all the tasks for the day. Anne was still in bed and didn't want to wake her to do things she was fully capable of doing by herself. She cleaned the dishes, swept the floors, organized the plates on the shelf, and helped Matthew collect beets and carrots.

While assisting him, he looked over at her as if he was about to say something. She felt his gaze and looked over. "What's the matter? Do I have dirt on my face?" She asked him. He chuckled and continued harvesting the crops. As confused as she was, Aliya was glad she formed a good relationship with the siblings. Never in a million years did she think that she would have a place to call home.

"Anne Shirley!" Aliya heard Marilla yell. She saw the red head run past her door and over to the older woman's room. An argument was beginning and the sister needed to know what was going on. She crept her way out of her bedroom and headed to the end of the hallway to hear the conversation more clearly.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, did you steal my brooch off of my dresser? Do not dare tell a lie." Marilla asked sternly. Anne kept insisting that she did not steal her family heirloom, but it seemed as the woman did not believe her. Before Aliya did anything to protect her sister, she already knew it was not going to end well.

"I stole it, Miss. Cuthbert." Aliya said coming into the room. Anne looked at her sister in shock and disbelief. She knew that her older sister would never do such a thing. The younger girl looked back at her guardian and noticed the rage in her eyes. "I gave it to the a gentleman who offered $10 for it." Aliya added. She could feel the fire coming from Marilla's stare.

"I will not have a thief staying in my home. Matthew will be bringing you to the station immediately and sending you back." Marilla stormed out of the room to collect her brother. Anne looked at her sister and had a tear slip from her eye.

"Why did you do that? You weren't even inside for most of the day." Anne choked out. Aliya pulled her into a hug and reassured her that everything will be alright. They stood there for what feels like hours until Aliya broke free from the embrace and made her way to her room so she can pack up all her things.

While riding with Matthew to the train station, Aliya realized she did not recognized the path they were on. She looked over at the sibling in confusion. "Matthew, this doesn't look like the way to the station."

He looked over her with a small grin on his face. "I know. I'm not bringing you back. I'm taking you to Mr. Blythe's house until everything is sorted out and she finds her brooch." Aliya was shocked that he was going behind his sister's back to have her stay in Avonlea. Although, he mentioned Mr. Blythe's house, she overhead Marilla say that him and his son are traveling at the moment. "He's currently away on a trip, but I wrote him a letter and Anne is giving it to the postman whenever he comes around."

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