Chapter Thirty - A Whole New World

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"John?" Someone spoke, as they shook my unconscious body. I suddenly woke up, fluttering my eyes open. I saw a familiar face, looking down at me, worriedly. "John!" They spoke again. I groaned in response, trying to sit up. "Stay down." They told me, lightly holding my shoulders.
"Y/F/N?" I asked, squinting to get a better look.
"Yeah, it's me. How did you get here?" Y/F/N asked, calmly.
"I - I don't know! Bloody hell, I'm going mad! Where's Y/N?" I started to panic.
"You aren't going crazy, don't worry! But it's something I definitely wasn't expecting. Here, I have an idea..." She stood up, holding her hand out. I took her hand and she pulled me up.

She had a grip on my arm, for I was unbalanced walking a few feet to the couch. She laid me down flat so I'd be more comfortable.
"You good?" She asked, sitting in a chair across from me.
"Better now, thanks." I smirked, looking up and down. She chuckled at my humor .
"So what was the last thing you did before you ended up here?" Y/F/N asked me.
"Cleaning me bedroom." I replied, simply and honestly.
"Okay... Did you touch anything that gave you a weird feeling?"
"Er - I think so?"
"What did it look like?"
"It was a locket. A very pretty gold one. I had no idea Y/N had it, and when I opened it, nexf thing I knew, I'm here."
"I KNEW IT!" She exclaimed, walking away from me.

"Hey -" I stood up and tripped over my steps, but gained my balance quickly again. "Where are ye goin'?"
"Where's the locket?" She asked, searching the floor where I woke up.
"I don't know."
"Get down here and help look!" She told me as she laid flat on the ground, looking under the fridge.
"Uh - okay..." I mimicked her, but once I barely got laid down, the l locket fell out of my pocket. "Found it, I guess." I said, picking it up.
"DON'T OPEN IT!" she yelled at me.
"WHY?" I yelled back, panicking.
"Because," she started, "that locket made you travel to the future." It took me a moment to process that. Time travel? That's impossible! I told myself.
"I couldn't have! That doesn't exist!" I told Y/F/N.
"Well, you'd think..." she paused, letting me process what was going on. "You see, when Y/N was fourteen, God gave her this locket which gave her the ability to travel back in time to a certain time. But once she picked the time, it only stayed there and the days would go by like normal. It gives her the ability to live in two different times at the same time..." I nodded, indicating I was understanding what was going on so far. "So one day, she accidentally knocked over the locket and she panicked, thinking of a random time and she chose the year nineteen fifty four where she met you. That began her double life here, where she was born and about seventy years ago with you when you were fourteen." I looked at her, horrified as to what I was hearing.
"So how did I end up here, then?" I asked.
"Same way. Through the locket. But here's the thing, how were you able to use it if she's the only one possessive of it?"
"I don't bloody know, Y/F/N! I'm just hearing of this now and it's been ten years! Or seventy some?"
"Sixty nine, to be exact. But in this context, ten."
"What year is it?" I asked, hesitantly.
"Twenty thirty one."
"BLOODY HELL!" I paused, my jaw wide open. "So I opened the locket, and came to sixty nine years later?"
"It's nineteen sixty four there, right?"
"Then it'd be fifty nine. You travelled fifty nine years into the future."
"Okay..." I paused. "Let me get this straight," I paused again, gathering my thoughts. "Y/N was gifted with the power of time travel through a locket that God gave her, and she chose to be with me? But why me?"
"She loved you even before you knew her." Y/F/N told me. "You see, you're sort of a legend now. Your fame grew over the years and people (especially musicians from today) admire you. Y/N, being a superfan of The Beatles and other older music, had this fangirl crush on you -"
"She fancied me?" I smirked.
"Shut it, John. Point is, she met you with the locket and now we're here. Welcome to the future, John Lennon."
I seriously needed to process this, so I headed for the door. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE!"
"Why can't I just get some bloody air?"
"Everyone will freak out when they see you!"
"Why? Because I'm John Lennon? I thought you said everyone knew me?"
"Yes, but..." She paused, her voice getting softer.
"You're dead."
"Yeah. You were shot."
"I died from a shot?"
"Nineteen eighty."
"I was only forty years old?"I questioned, horrified.
"Yeah," Y/F/N replied, in a heavy tone.
"So it's been fifty one years since my passing?"
There was an awkward silence between us. I cleared my throat, a moment later and spoke,
"We should figure out a plan to get back."

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