Chapter Twenty Eight - Album Release

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A few weeks went by fast and the boys were ready to release their third album with 13 songs. Out of the ones recorded, John's favorite was A Hard Day's Night, Paul's was And I Love Her, George's was I'm Happy Just To Dance With You, Ringo's was I Should Have Known Better. And finally, mine was If I Fell. The fans went crazy! They went insane when news broke about The Beatles first film upcoming, titled A Hard Day's Night after the album and song.

"Cut!" The director called out after the first scene. When the scene cut, the boys were running and didn't stop. But instead of running in the sound stage, they ran out of it and to me. They were all panting, especially George who had fell and got trampled over. He had tread marks over his suit.
"Well done, boys!" I congratulated them.
"Thanks, love!" John spoke.
I was really excited for the film to premier because it would be a big jump for the 4 guys.
"Y/N?" The director addressed me.
"Yes?" I asked in reply, taking my eyes off John to the director, Richard Lester.
"We just lost an important extra and need someone a-sap. Can you fill in?" He asked, sounding anxious.
"Yeah, sure!"
"Great, change into this." He told me, handing over a bag.

I nodded, heading to the washroom to change. I came out wearing a mix between a suit and a dress. It looked cute on me. I sat on the train set with the other women and waited for the action call.
"ACTION!" Richard shouted. I then saw Paul come in and speak,
"Excuse me, you seen that old man we were with? -"
"We've broken out!" John interrupted Paul, screaming and kneeling down by me. That was our que to start screaming and playing with our hair. "The blessed freedom of it all." He looked around at all us girls, with a crazy glint in his brown orbs. He then smirked up at me, making me blush intensely. "Have you got a nail file? These handcuffs are killing me!" He held up his wrists together like they were in chains and subtly brushed my leg. "I was framed! I'm innocent!" He yelled.
"Sorry for disturbing you girls." Paul spoke, pulling John away from me.
"I bet you can't guess what I was in for!" John yelled, psychotically.
"AND CUT!" Richard yelled. "Nice work. I'm surprised you were able to get that in one take!"
"It's because of Y/N. She has this weird influence on John to actually do his best." Paul answered, chuckling.
"Yeah, I can see that." Ringo agreed. Everyone just laughed.

Before we knew it, it was premier day! The boys were happy filming was over (they didn't enjoy it all the time). The Beatles, Brian, Maureen and I arrived in a limo together and we walked onto the red carpet which led into the theater as we got our picture taken by paparazzi. The order we came out was John, Paul, George, Ringo, Maureen, me and Bryan. Half way through, I went in between John and Paul to get the requested "cute couple photo" with John. At one point, Paul stretched out his arm and did bunny ears with his hands at my head which made us laugh. We then did a "double couple" with Ringo and Maureen, and at the end of the carpet, it was arms all around each other with big smiles. I got off the carpet with Bryan and Maureen while the boys got their proper band pictures taken and got interviewed.

 I got off the carpet with Bryan and Maureen while the boys got their proper band pictures taken and got interviewed

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We finally entered the theater and took our seats, anxious to see the final product of A Hard Days Night. Suddenly, everyone went quiet as the lights dimmed and the movie began to play.

The movie was incredible! There was no dull moment and the songs were amazing! I cringed a bit at my part, though. Only normal. This was definitely an experience to remember.

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