Chapter Twenty Five - The Ed Sullivan Show

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It had been three months since John and I got married. My new year's resolutions were to make sure John and I's relationship with George came back to smooth sailing after our separate incidents with him. George was very close to both of us and we were determined to not let something so petty get in the way of our friendship.

Tonight, The Beatles got called on to do an interview with the famous television host, Ed Sullivan. John had a plan to clear the tension with George beforehand and same with me (if I were allowed to see him). We would have called, but we figured it'd be more sincere to talk in person.

"Y/N, ye ready?" John called from the front door, where he was patiently waiting for me.

"Yes, sorry!" I called, coming down the stairs.

"Ye look lovely." He complimented me, giving me a playful wink.

"Thank you! You cleaned up nicely yourself, too." I returned the compliment. John opened the door and let us through, heading to the car.

Once we were seated and driving on the road, I brought up a topic,

"Got any idea of what you'll say to George?"

"I'll wing it. I know he'll forgive me. You?"

"No frikin' idea."

"Y'know, I still can't shake that feelin' of him havin' a crush on ye. And you liked him back before we got together! It's bloody insane!"

"Yeah, well don't say that to him. It could cause a bigger ice block to dig out."

"Yeah, yeah." John said, sounding annoyed. I did tell him that before, so his annoyance with me made sense.

Once we got there, John took my hand tightly and pushed us through the crowd. Although, I was pulled away from John's grasp by my purse from an interviewer asking me a question.

"Y/N, is it true you're now a Lennon?"

Before I could reply, John was standing next to me again and was speaking loudly,

"Get your hands off her!" He then pushed away the interviewers hand, replacing it with his and pulled me quickly away from the growing crowd. He seemed mad, and I understood why.

When we were in, John shut the door tight and sighed,

"Bloody fans!"

"Get used to it, Johnny." He playfully tease him, although it was true. He did have to get used to it.

"John, Y/N!" We heard a voice call out. We turned our heads around and saw Bryan running to us, panting.

"Hey, Bry!" I greet him. John nodded.

"The lads are in the makeup room if you'd like to get in there, John. And Y/N, you can take your seat in the audience." Bryan instructed us, breathing heavily.

"Yes sir, yes!" John saluted him, jokingly. Bryan merrily sighed and walked with John.

John's Pov:

Bryan had a hand on my shoulder, leading me to the makeup room where my fellow band mates would be. When I opened the door, Bryan let go but didn't follow me in. I saw four tables with name-labeled chairs. The nearest one saying John Lennon, then Paul McCartney, George Harrison and finally, Ringo Starr. My band mates were in their seats, talking to each other and their makeup artists, looking in the mirror at their reflection.

"Sorry I'm late, guys." I say, interrupting Paul.

"John!" Ringo exclaimed, none of them turning to look at me since they weren't done getting their makeup and hair done.

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