Chapter Nine - The News

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     One night, while John and I were relaxing and watching a movie, we got a call. John got up from the couch and I paused the movie.

     "'Ello!" John greeted the stranger.

     "Hiya, John! Turn on the news!" Then they hung up.

     "Darlin' turn on the news. That was Epstien." John told me, coming to sit next to me again. I did as he said and then we saw the Please Please Me album as the news anchor was speaking,

     "This record, Please Please Me by a band called The Beatles is quite a chat! It has gotten very popular, very fast. The band members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison were originally from the band, The Quarrymen. Then the last member, Ringo Starr, is new to the world of fame. Some songs off the album are, Please Please Me, Twist and Shout, and their most popular hit, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, which was not written by them, yet written by a woman known as Y/N Y/L/N. She is unknown to the public eye until now! Rumor also has it, she is the girlfriend of Beatle John Lennon. As they were spotted together out on the street together. This record is a must-by at your local record shop! Now, back to you, Ricardo with the weather for tomorrow."

     John grabbed the remote and shut off the TV.

     "Bloody hell..." He said, sounding defeated.

     "What's wrong, John? This is wonderful news!" I said, full of energy.

     "If I had known that the people would talk about ye, and us, and how they'd now try and get information on our personal life, we shouldn't have put your song on our album!" John said, now pacing the floor in rage, "I don't want ye to go through the hassle I go through every day, bein' famous! It's a pain!"

     "It's okay, Johnny!" I started off, calmly to settle him, "Of course they're going to try and talk to us! It's what you get for being famous! I know you wanted and knew that when you started off. It just takes getting used to. And besides, we can take care of ourselves and each other out there." I smiled warmly once John looked from his pacing feet to my face. He paused in his steps and let out a deep breath. He started to walk slowly to me and sat himself on the couch next to me.

     "The thing is, I just don't want ye to get hurt. I can do something about this!" He said, squeezing my hand affectionately.

     "I won't, don't worry. We just have to be cautious and polite to people that come up to us." I said, calmly.

     "Okay... But what about our relationship? How're we gonna protect that?" John asked.

     "Honestly, we can't anymore now that the media has basically figured it out. I say we just continue as normal, like we have these past beautiful eight years." I kept a hold onto his hand, stroking it with my thumb back and forth slowly.

     "See, this is why I love ye." John proceeded to smile widely, coming back from his worried mood, "Ye make the best of a bad situation and always make me happy." I couldn't help but blush at this. "And now I'm making ye happy! Yer too cute, Y/N!"

     Before I knew it, John was tickling me to death on the couch, laughing at my reaction. We tossed and turned, me trying to push him off but him being stronger, won the war.

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