Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry, but... what the actual fuck are you on about!?" I yell at him.
"I know it must be a lot to-"
"You're damn right it fucking is" I don't even feel bad for interrupting him for once.
"I thought you agreed to wait until we finished explaining" dad exclaims, seemingly completely oblivious to the bomb shell he just dropped on me.
"Then get to damn explaining, cause I'm about to walk out that door and I won't be looking back"
"Okay, I guess we need to start at the beginning..."

Dads flashback

I grew up alone in the woods, the only guidance I had was an old spell book that was apparently left for me from my mother. So I did what any child would do, I studied the book day and night not wanting to let the only object I had go to waste. The book taught me many things, from simple recipes to summoning rituals. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for that book.
I lived a very lonely but happy life. I enjoyed my little cabin and I loved to look after all the animals that came to my doorstep injured. As my abilities as a forest witch grew more and more, I was able to speak with the animals. We came to an agreement that I would heal any and all their injuries that I was able to and they would protect me. I continued to live in harmony and wasn't lonely anymore, it was a perfect life except I always felt that something was missing. I didn't know why I felt this way so I tried my best to not think about it.
It wasn't until years later, only a couple weeks past my eighteenth birthday. I had just woken up to the beautiful smell of citrus and eucalyptus, so I ventured outside to find the source. The smell came from a new animal that I had never seen before by my doorstep. Quickly I pushed all thoughts of the smell to the back of my mind as I saw that the wolf was badly injured. I could already tell I had a long week ahead of me in nursing this wolf back to health. So I immediately set to work.
I quickly grabbed my handmade stretcher for bigger animals, and rolled the wolf on top of it. It wasn't long before I had the still unconscious wolf on the table in my workroom.
I worked all day only giving myself breaks when the forrest animals came to visit. I spent my time cleaning the wolfs wounds, determining the damage, mixing medicines, convincing a fox to bring me some medicinal herbs, stitching up wounds and bandaging. I checked the wolfs pulse and breathing constantly throughout the day, I just knew that I couldn't let this animal die.
I would wake up every hour of the night to check on the wolf. By the next day the wolf was still unconscious, however it's wounds were looking better, with no signs of infection yet. I spent the day cleaning, checking on the wolf, helping the animals and cooking.
The wolf was still asleep on the third day and the fourth. My routine stayed the same over the days and nights. But in the fifth day while I was checking on the wolfs wounds yet again, I thought I saw it's eye twitch. I left it be, reasoning that if that if the wolf was awake it might not want me near it. So I went out, I had already agreed to go to the forrests annual meeting, it was only fair seeing as I looked after all of them.
When I arrived back at my cabin after the meeting, I could hear crashes inside. I quickly went inside, not expecting what I was about to see. I thought that it must just be the wolf. I wasn't wrong with this assumption, however I wasn't expecting to see a naked human male on the ground. I surprised myself when I didn't scream, having never seen another human before. But I could smell the citrus and eucalyptus smell I had grown accustomed to emitting from the man. I quickly went and helped the man back to sitting on the table. I quickly went over all of the mans wounds hoping he hadn't opened any stitches, all the while the man stared at me with an expression filled with pure love.
The man started to live with me, helping me however possible. I loved his company but was concerned and had to ask many times about where he came from and what happened to him. At first he didn't tell me, so I tried my best not to pry. But as time went on he eventually opened up to me about eveything. He was a werewolf, a beta to be specific. However he was kicked out and hunted when he came out as being gay. Despite being a forrest with I had never learnt of werewolves before, they were never mentioned in my book. So I asked as many questions as I could writing done all his answers. And then he told me about soulmates or mates for short. Saying how they are destined partners and every werewolf has one, which is when he told me that I was his mate.
We lived together in my forrest cabin happily for a long time. But one day a bird of the forrest flew in, telling us of wolf sightings in the forrest. The only wolf who lived in the forest was the man, so we decided we had to leave. We had no idea if they were actually from my mates pack, but we couldn't endanger the forrest. So we left and started living among humans.

End of dads flashback

"That is how me and you're pa met, Riley. You were born a werewolf but we wanted you to live a normal life, so I used a spell to keep you're wolf side hidden as long as we could. I am so awfully sorry you had to find out this way, Riley, we were going to tell you when we felt the time was right"
I didn't know what to say or think, I didn't quite feel numb I more felt just alarmed that I could, apparently, turn into a wolf. How could my parents hide something as awesome as that from me?! I'm like a dammed superhero!

I'm back bitchesss!!!
Sorry it's been so long, you all know what life is like
Hopefully I'll upload again soon!
Until then
Sending thoughts and prayers!!!!

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