Chapter 2

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I put my books away and headed towards the cafeteria. I was still in a lot of pain but it was something I could handle. I don't bother getting any food from the canteen and instead, I head to a table. I grab my sketchbook and continue adding details to the wolf, while I wait for Sage. I lose myself until I hear a bang. I look up to see Sage has arrived of course dropping her tray of food onto the table. "I'm going to the mall after school, you in?" she asks me. I did want to take a walk in the forest after school, but knowing Sage she'd annoy me until I agreed. "Okay sure," I tell her.

"Do you want anything to eat?" she says offering me her apple.

"No, I'm not hungry,"

"You should eat more,"

"I know,"

We fall into a comfortable silence, as we wait for lunch to end. It doesn't take too long for lunch to end. We say goodbye to each other and head to our lockers. I'm excited about my next class, art, since its my favorite class. I grab my books and rush to class. I manage to get to class before there are too many people, which means I can get the best seat. I love sitting here it's next to the window meaning I can look out at the forest.

I look out at the forest as I wait for class to start. The forest is my safe space, I always go there when I feel down. It's very calming especially the waterfall, I found it one day when I was wandering through the forest. I need to go back there soon, I miss it.

Class finally starts when the teacher comes in late as always. She's never on time but she's really nice. She's definitely my favorite teacher. She informs us of a new assignment that we are to start this lesson. We have to plan, draw and paint an animal of some sort. I start to sketch random animals in different poses. After I finish a page of these sketches I start looking over them. I drew a lot of wolves in different poses. I really like this one sketch of a wolf standing on a rock howling at the moon. I think that sketch would work well as a painting, so I start to draw a bigger version of it.

The class passes by in a blur and soon the bell goes. I pack up in a rush wanting to leave before Jenny finds me again. I push through the crowds trying to find my locker. It takes me a while but I finally get there and put my books and grab my bag. I rush as quickly as I can to get out of the school. I get to my car without any trouble and I immediately unlock it and get in. I plug in my phone and put on some green day. I start the drive home so I can be ready in time to get to the mall with Sage.

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Time Skip

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I get home and see that there aren't any cars in the driveway. No one is home yet I guess. I exit the car and head to the front door and unlock it. I go to the kitchen first and grab a quick snack. I go up to my room and have a quick shower. I throw on a random hoodie and my skinny jeans. I put on my beanie and combat boots and then I'm ready. I message Sage to tell her that I'm ready and to tell me when she gets here. She replies fast telling me that she's on her way. I decide to grab a drink before she gets here.

I sit in the kitchen just waiting for Sage to get here. I sip on my glass of water as I wait for her. It doesn't take her long to arrive. She messages me when she's outside and I head out grabbing my keys and wallet on the way. I lock the door when I leave. I walk over to her car and hop into the passenger seat. She's gotten changed out of her school outfit and is wearing something more her style. She is wearing fishnets and black shorts. She's also wearing a hoodie with cut-off sleeves.

She turns on the car as soon as I sit down, not waiting for me to buckle my seat belt. There's no music playing as we speed down the road. It isn't long until we arrive at the mall. Sage immediately starts dragging me to different shops. We went through countless different shops for about an hour or so before we went to the food mall. We ordered our food and sat down to wait. We talked about how school was for each of us.

Once we finish eating we headed back to the car to go home. On the way, I felt something trip me over. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of my face against the ground. But it never came, I felt strong arms around me. I opened my eyes and looked up. It was him, Mr. Stevens. We gazed into each other's eyes. His eyes sparkled like emeralds. Then I heard his velvety voice say to me "Are you okay, Riley?" I couldn't think, just hearing his sexy voice say my name.

Authors Note:

I'm so happy to get this chapter out, I hope you all like it!! Expect the story to start getting juicy from now on!!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Sending thoughts and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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