Chapter 11

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I woke up cold and to the sound of yelling downstairs. I groaned, still tired before attempting to get up and see what all the yelling was about. But as I sat up my backside filled with pain. I gasp as I look down at myself and remember what happened.

Quickly I limp my way over to my bathroom. Worried I look into the mirror. My eyes widen as I look at my neck. Among the numerous hickies littered around my neck was something that looked like a tattoo. Looking closer I could see the initials A.S and a small moon next to it. It was simple yet elegant, I like it even though I don't know what it is.

I reach up and touch it to see if it would run off. But I jump as it sends a pleasurable shock through me. Confused I tough the mark again, just for the same thing to happen again. I sigh before leaving the bathroom.

I look through my clothes for something to hide the hickies and mark. I finally find what I was looking for, my black spotted turtleneck. I quickly dress in the turtleneck and some sweatpants before I slowly make my way downstairs. As I approach the stairs I start to make out what's being yelled.

"He doesn't know yet you oversized sex driven idiot!" I hear dad yell.
"You try stopping an alpha wolf from taking control!" I then hear what sounds like Mr Stevens yell back. Confused I take a deep breath in before starting to walk down the stairs. They go quite as soon as I start walking down. When I reach the bottom of the steps, I look up.

I see pa hugging dad, both looking upset. Then I see Mr Stevens sitting on the couch, with his head in his hands.

"W-whats going on?" I manage to whisper out.

I watch as Mr Stevens immediately looks at me guiltily. He then clears his throat before he starts speaking "I-I'm sorry, we shouldn't have, no, I shouldn't have done what I did last night. I should've been able to control myself better. I've made a big mistake." I blink, before tears start building in my eyes as I realise what he's saying.

"Y-y-you regret-t it?" I whisper out, barely able to let the words escape my mouth.

"No! No, that's not what I mean! Fuck I don't know how to explain this. I don't regret what we did, but I shouldn't have marked you. Not when you don't understand the meaning." He quickly said after he quickly got up to grab my hands.

"What do you mean by marked?" I ask wanting answers.

"We'll explain it all to you. We never wanted to tell you unless we had to. But now we have to, sit down this is going to be a lot to take in." Pa says to me gesturing to the couch. "And you," he points at Mr Stevens "wait in the next room and wait for Riley to decide what to do." He orders.

Mr Stevens quietly nods his head before quickly placing a kiss to my forehead and exiting the room. I slowly sit on the couch while I watch my parents.

"I don't know how to start." Pa says, before sighing.

"I know how. Promise me that you'll listen and hold your thoughts to the end." Dad says to me with a gentle smile.

I nod, agreeing without realising what was about to be said.

"Okay, I'll just say it. You are... a werewolf."

Hiiiiiiiii aaagaain 👋
Sorry I've been away for awhile,
I transcended space and time and found God to be a redpanda,
Anyway I should be back now that everything has settled more!!
I'm really really really happy to be able to continue writing this story for y'all!!!!!
Anyway that's all from mee!!

Sending thoughts and prayers!! ❤️

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