Chapter 5

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As the bell rings, I quickly pack up my stuff and head to my locker. I don't feel like getting another beating from Jenny and her crew today. I manage to dodge them as I make my way to my locker. I quickly put all my books away and lock my locker so they don't burn my books again. I start walking to the cafeteria, watching to make sure I don't run into Jenny or her friends.

It doesn't take me long before I'm outside of the cafeteria, I'm about to enter when I see Jenny at her table with her friends. I guess I'm not eating lunch today, if I go in they'll just trip me over and spill my food. I sigh as I turn around and head to the library like usual.

I walk with my head down because I already know the way as well as the back of my hand. Suddenly I ran into a wall, weird I don't remember there being a wall here. I fall backwards before muscular arms embrace me. I can smell the delicious smell that always seems to come from Mr Stevens. The smell of pine trees and rain, it's the most amazing thing I've ever smelt. I nearly moan when he brings me to his chest wrapping his arms around me. I'm shocked yet again as I stare into his eyes.

"We need to stop running into each other like this," he says trying to hold back a laugh. I blush remembering what we did in his classroom just an hour ago. His lips curl into a smile and his eyes light up as he looks down at me.

"Um, s-sir you-u need t-to let go-o of me now-w," I stutter out to entranced by him. He just hums and tightens his hold on me.

"Uh-h s-sir?" I stutter out again confused why he's still holding me. He just sighs and finally lets go of me.

"Why aren't you eating anything?" He asks concern flooding through his forest green eyes.

"I'm n-not hungry," I say not stuttering as much.

"Okay, just promise me you'll eat something," he tells me looking straight into my eyes. I just nod confused about why someone like him would be concerned about someone as weak as me.

"Good boy," he says before walking past me. I just keep walking to the library still blushing as I keep my head down and my arms wrapped around me.

When I get to the library I head straight to my secret spot around the back. To get to it you have to squeeze between two bookshelves. Not many people can get through because of how small the gap is. It's just the right size for me to get through without much difficulty.

When I'm in I sit down on the comfy armchair in the corner. There's a coffee table next to it with a lamp so you can read. The floor is covered in a nice soft rug and there are pillows and a soft blanket on the chair. I bundle up quickly in the blanket and start to read the book I had left on the coffee table. I have to leave it here in case Jenny finds it. She knows how much I love reading so will try and stop me at any chance she gets, luckily I've managed to keep my love for drawing hidden from her.

The book I've been reading is called The Wonderling it's a beautiful book about finding who you are. The story follows a grounding which is an animal-human hybrid who is a fox boy with one ear. The book has slowly become one of my favourite books in the library.

Lunch passes by fast and I miss reading as soon as I stop. I quickly slip out of the library and grab myself for my last class. Sage is normally in this class but she wasn't at school today so I just sit in the back and pretend to work.

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Time Skip

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I quickly head home after putting my books in my locker. It isn't a long drive from school to home so I'm there in a few minutes. I park and head inside, I grab a blueberry muffin from the kitchen and head up to my room. I get changed into a plain oversized black hoodie and black leggings. I eat my muffin as I start on my homework from the day.

Some of the homework isn't due till next week but I want to get it out of the way now so I can focus on other things. I hear someone knock on my door.

"Come in," I yell out to them. Dad opens the door.

"Hey there, your teacher called saying you haven't been focusing in his class and how he's worried about your grade. He offered to tutor you," dad tells me.

"Oh which teacher?" I ask politely

"I think he said his name was Alex Stevens. I have to go make dinner now, make a decision on if you want him to tutor you or not by tomorrow night please," he says before leaving shutting my door on the way out.

I know I'm doing fine in his class why did Mr Stevens lie to my dad? What is he planning now?

Hiii!! Things are starting to pick up now!! I'm excited to be releasing this chapter I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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Sending thoughts and prayers!!!

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