"I love you Ni." Louis sighs, throwing his hand over Niall's shoulder as they start walking towards their class.

"What can I say? Everyone loves me." Niall winks.

"Whatever." Louis rolls his eyes.

The rest of the school day goes by pretty quickly and Louis couldn't be more grateful. He bids Niall goodbye as he approaches Harry's parked car in the driveway. Liam has banned Louis from walking home from school. So, it's either one of the three of them who pick him up from school. 

He just has to survive a few more months of school before he graduates and then he's off to college. What. A. Relief.

"How was school?" Harry asks the second Louis climbs in the passenger seat.

"It was fine. I can't wait for it to be over. Just two more months." Louis tells him, buckling in his seatbelt.

"Wow I can't believe you're graduating high school." Harry says staring out into the road.

Louis gives him a lopsided smile and rests back in his seat. He's exhausted even though school was pretty much the same with the same asshole kids and the same annoying teachers. At least he has Niall.

Harry drops Louis at Liam and Zayn's, "I'll meet you tomorrow. Bye." 

"Bye." Louis yells from the front yard as Harry's car speeds away.

He takes in a deep breath before releasing it and drops his bag onto the floor. For the first time since forever, Louis' actually hungry. He makes his way into the kitchen and finds himself some baby carrots. He proceeds to walk into his room while munching on them and opens his laptop.

A few hours pass by and he's midway doing his assignment when he hears the front door open and Liam and Zayn walk in. He closes his textbooks and makes his way downstairs. He regrets his decision as he walks in on them during a pretty heated make out session.

"Dear Lord, I need bleach for my eyes." He groans.

"Oh hi Lou." Zayn says while Liam awkwardly stands there. "We didn't here you come." 

"How could you even when you were busy sticking your tongues down each other's throats. Jesus!"

"Well how was your day?" Liam asks directing the conversation away from the previous one.

"Pretty average. How was yours?"

"You know how it is. Hectic." Liam tells him.

"Niall is coming for a sleepover." Louis casually slips in the conversation.

"When?" Zayn asks.

"In about two hours."  Louis says cautiously, not looking at the either of them.

"Tomorrow is a school day Louis. I hope you know that." Liam tells him.

"I do but we have carefully thought it over and I promise we'll not stay up till late." Louis tries but neither looks convinced.

"Please guys? We haven't had a sleepover in like forever. It's been so long!"

"Well you can always do it on the weekend." Zayn says.

"He's going out during the weekend." Louis tells them. "Please." He says looking at them with puppy dog eyes. If it was Harry, it would've been so much easier to convince him.

Liam looks at Zayn and they seem to be having a silent conversation with their eyes. "Fine." They both say in unison after a long pause.

"Thankyou so much! You guys are the best!" Louis hugs them both.

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