"You have no choice." Jeremy reminded he knew that Elena would be coming a lot because of Scarlett.

She nodded she would come as much as she could she knew that she could make it work."My daughter goes to school trust me i will be coming to visit."

"Maybe you should get back to your family before they somehow talk Hayley into not letting the kids be here." They all knew that it was a possibility they did not like the idea of the kids going here.

"See ya." She gave both of them a hug getting up to go and find the rest of the family. She found Kol and Klaus talking with their siblings Hayley Katherine and Stefan.

Hayley looked over to Elena she knew that Elena would want to see Scarlett before they had to go back. "You ready to see them one last time before we have to go back."

"Yes." Elena wasn't sure how the girls were going to react to them leaving now. Especially since they hadn't been there long.

"They will be fine." Kol reminded he could see them both stressing they didn't want to say goodbye.

Klaus smirked looking at the two it amazed him how they had wanted the girls to start school but at the same time did not want to leave them. "You two are acting like they are not the two most powerful beings in the world."

Hayley glared at him she was irriated she didn't care how powerful they were it didn't matter that didn't make this any less hard. "We get it it's not as hard for you two because your their fathers."

Elena could definitely agree with that they may have not have seen it as hard but it was. This was her daughter and she didn't like leaving her. And no one could tell her that she couldn't miss her. "But we are their mothers and this is different so if either of you say anything i will hurt you"

Both turned and walked away. Freya looked at her siblings. Despite everything that had happened in the past years Elena still scared the shit out of her.  "After all this time she still scares me."
Elena and Hayley walked into the dorm that the girls shared. They were not sure how this conversation was about to go. Scarlett and Hope were sitting on the beds going through their bags. "Hey we're about to get ready to go."

"We gotta get back home."

They turned towards their mothers they had thought that they were staying longer. "You're leaving already?"

"Seriously." They had both thought they would be here at least 24 hours before they had to go back to New Orleans.

"We haven't even been here that long." Hope reminded she didn't want them to leave now she knew eventually they would have to go back home but she didn't think it would be this soon.

"Can't y'all stay a few days." Scarlett bargined she may have liked to do everything herself  but she wanted to adjust before they went back.

Elena and Hayley went and sat by the two she knew as much as they wished they could stay. Everyone did not like the family and that it was not really safe for any of the originals specifially to stay in town. "You know your family is not really welcome in this town."

"Why doesn't anyone believe that they could change?" Scarlett asked she knew based on the stories that she had learned that they were not the same people they were years ago. They were different they were not bad people.

"Because everyone is still stuck on the past baby all they think about is that the originals have terroized the world for over 1000 years." Elena wished that people could think different but she knew that the originals had a reputation and people still thought of them based on that instead of who they were now.

"It's not like that more you didn't believe that my birth mother didn't if she believed that i was safer with them." Her parents had been honest with her on how they found out about her and that didn't change how she felt at all. She didn't get why people couldn't believe that change was possible for them to.

"Everyone doesn't see it that way. Even if it happened in the past it will be forever imprinted in people's mind no matter how many changes take place." She knew that some people refused to believe in change especially when there was so much bad to back it up but that would never change how she felt."But it doesn't matter what they think it matters how you guys see them thats what matters most. "

"Alright." Hope knew that they were right even though she wished that they weren't.

Scarlett hugged her mom she loved her so much she was happy that she was the one that had found her all them years ago. She was happy that she got to call her mom."I'm happy you were the one that found me i couldn't imagine my life any different."

Elena held her daughter she never wanted her life to be any different. "I am too baby."

A/N: Thoughts on the ending?

What should i write next?

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