Cuddling Draco Malfoy

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(I struggled writing this chapter for some reason, but I hope y'all still like it. :) )


You knew Draco was tired the second he stepped into the room.

All day Harry had been making snide remarks, and Draco of course, having to uphold the illusion that he hated Harry with his whole being, had to spend the whole day throwing back insults and dealing with the occasional taunt. 

His bag slumped off his shoulder, as you walked over and put your arms around him in a hug. Immediately, he lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, while he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You felt his warm breath against your skin, as he inhaled the scent of your shampoo and let out a satisfied sigh.

"You look beautiful today, Princess," he mumbled against your neck. It made you smile that, even though Draco had a bad day and was exhausted, he still made it a priority to compliment you. He began leaving small kisses along your neck, which he has a habit doing, causing you face to flush a little.

No words were needed, as Draco walked around the room, turning off lights and closing curtains before setting you gently on his bed. He lay carefully on top of you, resting his head on your chest. You played with his hair, knowing he liked it.

You fell asleep within the minute. At one point, when he knew you couldn't hear him, Draco whispered about how much he loved you. How you made him feel like a better person even when he knew he could never deserve you. That's why he makes sure you know it every day how incredible he thinks you are. You would never feel unloved by him.

A/n: I y'all have any idea on what I could do better, please tell me. I am always open to constructive criticism. Also if you enjoyed the story click vote to show your support!

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