Harry Potter (Part One)

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(This chapter was fun for me to write. It even made me laugh. Hope you all enjoy it. )

Everyone watched as Harry was chased by a dragon to complete his first task. All the girls were squealing with excitement, while you sat praying for his life . He swiftly zoomed out of sight , and the dragon broke its chain to chase after him.

"Oh my Merlin! He is so cute! I can't believe he's this brave!" a a girl next to you squealed, while everyone waited for Harry to appear again. You felt yourself stiffen slightly. It was ridiculous that these girls were giggling, while Harry could be getting hurt right now. They didn't truly care for him. If they did, they'd be pale and nervous as you right now. They only liked the fact that he was "The Chosen One." It made your jaw clench.

All of a sudden Harry was back again, taunting the huge dragon. When you saw it lung at him, you stopped breathing all together, but he quickly swooped under it and snatched the golden egg. He got slightly injured by its tail, and immediately escorted to the first aid tent. You breathed a sigh of relief knowing it was over. You had a huge crush on Harry, but it was painfully obvious that he wasn't aware you existed. 

Despite the fact that you both shared five classes together, and were both in Gryffindor, the two of you had only spoken once. But you decided it didn't count , because he didn't even look at your face when he apologized for knocking your books over. He had been too busy staring at Cho.

It made you sad knowing he could never see you the way you saw him, but hopefully you'd be able to get rid of this silly crush soon. It wouldn't do if you just kept digging a deeper whole for yourself to climb out of.

You went back with everyone in your house and waited for Harry in the common room. Everyone was standing by the front to welcome him, but you decided to go stand by the top of the girls dormitory stairs. The view would be better and there were less people.

When he entered, a bunch of students were carrying him and everyone was chanting his name. You smiled at how much recognition he was getting. Lots of people were suspicious, when his name was pulled from the cup, but now they seem more welcoming.

While everyone was bumping him around and giving him high fives, he looked up and you quickly averted your eyes, before he caught you staring. 

You decided to turn around and head to the girls dormitory. It was getting late, and you had to retake an exam in the morning. 


The next task was in three days and you heard Harry still hadn't cracked the egg. He needed to hurry. The competition was going to be tough. 

When you walked into History of Magic, there was a loud group of Drumstrag boys behind you. You headed to the back of the classroom and unfortunately they followed, and sat right next to you. You were never going to hear what Professor Cuthbert Binns was going to teach, if they kept this up. They were speaking loudly in Bulgarian. It was even harder to ignore them cause you could understand what they were saying. Your uncle lived in Bulgaria and you learned the language at a young age.

"Victor!" one of them said. "How are you going to figure out the egg? The next task is in three days!" They all shushed him giving you a glance. You made yourself look busy with flipping through your notes. "Don't worry," the boy continued. "None of these posh British people know Bulgarian." They all shrugged in agreement, before turning to Victor for his answer.

He looked around cautiously before answering. "I was taking an ice bath, and figured out that if you submerge it in water with your head there is a song! It said something about a lake."

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