Draco Malfoy (Part One)

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Despite all your attempts to stay away from her, Pansy Parkinson would not leave you alone.

All throughout class she'd been throwing notes at you, saying how ugly you were and how you have no friends. Of course those things weren't true, but it still took a piece of your confidence away every time she called you a hag.

Today, as soon as you were dismissed, you stood up and sped out of the classroom, too busy focusing on not letting your tears show to notice Pansy behind you until it was too late. 

Right as you turned a corner you were shoved harshly, your bag spilling out its contents and you flying straight into Draco Malfoys chest. You landed on top of him and saw as his head hit the floor hard.

"Oh my god, are you o-" you were interrupted by Pansy grabbing you by your hair and dragging you off him. 

"You filthy bitch! I bet you did that on purpose!" shrieked the girl into your ear. You twisted out of her grip. Draco groaned and began sitting up. Pansy of course immediately dashed to his side and hovered over his every move. "Oh Draco, baby, are you ok? Let me hel-"

"Get off me will you!" He jerked his arm away from her and stood up, rubbing the back of his head. He only gave you a glance before scoffing and walking off, Pansy following him like a dog.

Only then did you let the tears fall. You quickly gathered your things that had been kicked around the hall. One of your books was in tatters. You picked it up carefully and held it in you arms, while you walked slowly to moaning Myrtles bathroom. 

You'd have to try and repair it. Your family didn't have the money to spare replacing it and it was your only copy. You sat in that bathroom and cried with your beaten book in your hands until the sound of the bathroom door slamming open made your head shoot up.

Draco Malfoy walked in and stopped in his tracks when he saw you, taking in the tattered book laying in your lap. He swiftly strode forward and snatched the book away from you, ignoring your flinch. 

"Reparo,"  he spoke. You watched as the book mended itself, folding its pages back into the binding and stitching the tear of its cover. Draco dropped it back into your lap, turned, and immediately went beck the way he came.

"T-thank you," you called, and he paused. The silence only lasted for a moment.

He stepped out and let the door slam shut behind him.


The next day in Professor McGonagall's class y'all were given partners randomly by pulling names out of a cauldron. You pulled out your note and was surprised to see that you'd chosen Draco Malfoy.

You looked around the room, but found he wasn't there. With some disappointment, you realized that that he must've skipped.

You began trying to turn a butterfly into a chalice. Not as easy as it sounds. 

It kept shifting in and out of the shape you wanted, fluttering different directions. You saw the other students around you had already moved on and it made you a little embarrassed. A loud bang filled the room, causing everyone to turn their heads . Draco strolled up to Professor McGonagall and received an earful about punctuality before she gestured to your direction, frowning when she noticed you still hadn't transformed your butterfly. 

Draco grudgingly sat beside you and asked what you were doing.

"I-I'm trying to make the butterfly a chalice," you told him. He sat there waiting as you tried once again to change your butterfly, and once again failing to do so.

"Was that it?" he remarked, when nothing happened. You looked down at your hands and gave him a small nod. 

You heard him mumbling under his breath, as he grabbed the spell book and read through the instructions. You watched in wonder, as he absentmindedly swished his wand and the butterfly stopped flying. Instead, it fell to the table clicking into a chalice. Draco glanced back to where you sat, picking at the hem of your sleeve and sighed. With another swish of his wand, he turned the chalice back into a butterfly. 

"Try again," he said. 

Now you really felt embarrassed. You focused your wand on the small butterfly and concentrated on the spell. Despite your best efforts the butterfly refused to fully turn into a chalice.

"Don't move your eyes," Draco advised , so you could keep your concentration. He must have scooted closer, cause you could feel his warm breath on your neck as he spoke. "When you take your eyes off it your wand doesn't follow it's movements." 

You took a small shaky breath and tried again, this time painfully aware of Draco watching your eyes. It worked. Just like the time Draco did it, the butterfly clinked onto the table as a chalice. You couldn't help the smile that lit up your face at finally getting it right, and you heard Draco chuckle under his breath next to you.

You both continued to work on transfiguring the chalice into many other different objects, till the end of class. It wasn't surprise to find out Draco was quite gifted in the arts of Transfiguration. At least he seemed to grasp the concept a lot quicker than you did. 

The end of class came sooner than you thought. Draco had already started moving for the door, when you caught his sleeve.

 He turned around.

"I just wanted to say thank you, again. For fixing my book." 

A small crease appeared in between his brows as if he remembered what happened yesterday. Then his face hardened.

"Don't make a habit of thanking me, Mudblood," he spoke harshly, yanking his wrist away. "People may think I take kindly to filth like you." 

His words hit like a ton bricks. You don't know why there'd been a small part of you hoping the  two of you could be friends.

You hated the tears that came so easily to your eyes, and you hated they small moment of pity and regret that flashed in his before he turned and walked out of the classroom.

You hurried to wiped your face and made you way to Moaning Murtles restroom, but the door was locked. Instead, you settled for an empty closet that was once used for broom storage. You don't know why, but Draco's insults hurt more than Pansy's. 

You didn't go to dinner that day, staying in the closet till your tears finally dried. 

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