Chapter 21- The Return of Felisha

Start from the beginning

I stopped and raised an eyebrow at them . "Stop following me " I told them.

"But it's boring here. Besides, there's nothing to to do here" Said Nico

"Why don't you guys practice your walk so when I return I can give suggestions . " I said lacing my voice with finality when I noticed that they wanted to argue more.

In the end they finally complied and muttered something about practicing before walking back to stage. I let out a sigh of relief as soon as they walked away.

Smiling in satisfaction, I followed the women where she leads me to the room where Quantic kids had their clothes fitted a while ago. A bunch of them crowded on the table as they discussed something. I scanned the crowd until my eyes found my aunt.

She saw me the instant I come in. She smiled widely at me and beckoned me forward. Without hesitation, I made my way to my aunt until I was standing in front of her "Aunty, what is it ? " I asked her.

"You'll see . " There was a suspicious grin on her face as she took something from the table and handed it to me. It was a piece of paper with complicated sketch of dress on it.

I took it and studied it more closely . From the look of it, I could tell that it was a casual dress . It was a white v-neck dress with three layers of frills with light colours at the hem . Two of the outer hem was connected to the bust area making it look like a waterfall .

Based on the dotted areas at the lower part of the dress , I could tell that the beaded design is heavier at the bottom and then slowly rising upwards . I grinned at the design and looked up at my aunt. Again she made another brilliant design that would surely hit the fashion world.

"Aunty, this is great! "

"You like it!?, It is one of our limited editions. It's almost finished. "

I nodded enthusiastically as I looked at the design once again .  " I love it already. " I said it while having a huge grin on my face . " So who's gonna wear it? Is it sophie? "

My aunt laughs. " No. Of course not. "

I glanced at her in confusion " What? I thought Quantic kids are supposed to model the limited editions? "

" Silly girl" My aunt said while shaking her head in amusement .  "Why do you think I called you here to show you the design? "

" Um.. To criticize it ?"

" It's for you, silly!!"

My mind was loading at a slow pace as I tried to process her words .  Finally, the only word I can say was " What? "

" You are going to model alongside your idols !!"My aunt squealed excitedly and grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me. " Isn't that great? "

"No" I said

This time it was my aunt's turn to look shocked . "Huh?"

" I can't do it. " I said while shaking my head. " I still have home work to do. " And I clearly don't want to model alongside them nor do I want spend any time with them .  It's bad enough that got me to join their stupid council and now I have to model with them?

" Then finish it now. "My aunt said being as stubborn as ever .

" I have school " I countered.

" The show is gonna be held on a Saturday "

She's a tough one to crack .

I grunted as I finally went to my last resort. " Aunt, remember that I have a reputation to uphold .  Clearly, I can't go out there and ruin that by modeling something as pretty as this. Cool Marinette doesn't wear dresses or heels or anything pretty. If my classmates or schoolmates see me wearing that what would they say? "

This time my aunt seemed speechless .  She knows how much I struggle at school just to keep my reputation to be cool and reserved. Going out there doing a fashion show and somehow wearing clothes that are too girly for my style would mean the end of my title. I grinned in satisfaction knowing that she would surrender at this point.

"Actually, there is another way to join the fashion show without endangering your title. " All heads turned to kaila who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.  She stood beside my aunt with an evil smile on her face as she looked at me.

I glared at kaila while she was looking amused " Remember her last photo shoot when she appeared as someone else. " My eyes widened at the realisation of what she was about to suggest.  I suppose kaila already guessed that I have a hunch on her plans because she looked pretty amused.

Luckily my aunt hadn't realised it yet as she turned her full attention on kaila. " I don't understand kaila " My aunt said.

With my aunt't back to me, I  made a begging gesture for kaila to stop.

She can't do this. She cannot!! "I beg . Please don't. Please don't." I mouthed to her and even made a slicing gesture
at my throat telling her to cut it out.

Despite my non-stop begging, kaila's evil smirk remain like the demon she is .  She pulled out something behind her .  A very pink- Neon pink- long and silky  wig that she raised in the air like it was holy or something.

"Bu-ut I  burned that wig !! " I screeched. Horrified at the site of it.

" Yes!! Yes, it could work " My aunt exclaimed and kaila looked  at me victoriously .

"Yes. Definately." Agreed Kaila. Her eyes remained glued to me as she said the following words. " Say hello to the return of Felisha. Or in your case Marinette, the rebirth of Felisha."

While my aunt and her workers mobbed and praised the cursed wig , my legs suddenly gave in and I slumped down on the ground .

Just then I saw images of my life flashed in my mind as I realised that my world was coming to an end


I hate that cursed wig.

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