Hotaru's heart hurts as she started at him. This did not sit well with her; in fact, she despised it. His face shouldn't look like that, deep down she wanted to see him happy and spoiled. Not terrified, and panicked. She saw him open a storage closet and walk it, quickly slamming it behind him.

She had gotten up from her desk and was racing out of her office before she realized it. She knew where the closet was since she walked past it every day on her way to the elevator. She wasted no time as she sped down the hall.

She got surprised looks and stares, but she didn't give them the time of day. Nothing mattered besides getting to Nox. She didn't know why she had this overwhelming urge to go to Nox, but she was trusting her instincts. They were telling her that Nox needed her now.



It didn't take long before she was standing in front of the storage closet. To avoid frightening Nox, she took calm, quiet breaths. She extended her hand, but was halted by a tiny sniffle. If it hadn't been for Hotaru's improved hearing, she would have missed it entirely.

Nox was crying—?

Hotaru slowly and softly knocks on the door. She immediately hears all noise and movement stop. "Nox," She calls out low and sweet.

She heard nothing. He must've thought standing still would make her think he wasn't there. She wasn't going to back down though. She needed to be cautious, from what she had gathered Nox didn't cry. Not in front of someone.

"Are you alright?" She asks softly.

She could hear his breath hitch.

"Did someone hurt you?" She growled lowly. She catches herself when she hears him gasp. Even Hotaru was surprised by herself. She was never like this with someone she had practically just met. But Nox kept bringing out this side of her.

Hotaru was also attempting to ignore the scent coming from behind the door. She wanted to be upset with it because it was so sweet and beautiful, but she couldn't. Why? She despised the fact that he wore someone else's scent, but why had her alpha begun to like it?

"Nox." She says once more.

"Please. Open the door, and let me help you."

She sat it silence for a moment. Nox still regarded her as his boss, she knew. He hoped he'd be able to relax and let her help him.

She hears movement and holds her breath in anticipation. Hotaru wants to cheer as the door slowly opens. But she pulls herself back; the door is barely a few inches open. Hotaru couldn't think for a moment since the smell was so strong.

One of Hotaru's many powers as a true alpha is her ability to see in the dark. So when she saw his tear-streaked face, which was still frozen in terror. Hotaru slipped through the crack in the door, shut it behind her, and hugged Nox.

A surprised "eep!" escaped Nox as she pulls his head down into the crook of her neck.

"It's okay." She kept whispering into his ear. She couldn't help herself; every fiber of her being screamed to console him. She didn't want to see him sad. His large body twitched against hers. He was physically larger and taller than she was, but it didn't matter. All the more for her to own all to herself.

Nox throws his arms around her waist, much to her astonishment. Hotaru couldn't stop herself from smiling.

She continues to consult Nox while attempting to manage her libido. She massaged his hair while whispering lovely nothings in his ear. She could tell he was beginning to relax against her, so she grinned even wider. He tightened his grip on her and pressed his nose against her neck.

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