Turn 1: The Beginning Of A Life Of Lies

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1 Year After The Kamino Incident

"Its me." The pro hero Hawks spoke as he tailed a large truck. "Its the League. They're heading towards central Musutafu at approximately fifty miles per hour"

"Pull back for now. We can't have them unleashing the contents inside. It's too big of a risk"

"Understood" Hawks spoke as he pulled away. But as he did, he noticed the truck was heading for a mother and her child. He went for the parent and child. But because he pulled away earlier, he wasn't going to make it in time.

When he thought the truck was going to hit the pair, a green streak came out of nowhere and the two were gone. Hawks was confused for a moment until he saw them on the sidewalk with a young boy.

Hawks instantly recognized him as the year two class 2A star student, Izuku Midoryia. So seeing him, he wasn't worried about the mother and child. But what he was worried about was the crash he heard. He looked over to see the truck crashed.

"Its Hawks. The target has crashed at the abandoned V.O. construction site. I have a U.A. student with me" Hawks spoke into his comm as he hovered over the street.

"Get him out of there. We can't have the risk of him knowing what's inside"

"Understood" Hawks nodded. He saw Izuku start running towards the truck. "Hey, kid! Stop!" Hawks yelled at he began to fly fast as he could towards Izuku.

Izuku hopped on top of the truck since the doors to the cab were blocked and if he tried to move the debris, he could risk the site going down. He opened the hatch on the top to see it was pitch dark inside. All he could see was a faint glow inside.


Izuku turned around to see Hawks flyeing towards him.

"Hawks?" Izuku asked, being knocked over by the truck moving. He fell right into the hatch and as he did, it shut behind him.

"Command, we have a slight problem" Hawks spoke as he watched the truck drive away.

Izuku sat alone in the dark trailer. He already tried to use OFA to bust out of the trailer. But he couldnt charge up OFA. Meaning the trailer had quirk nullifier in the trailer. So he couldn't use his Quirk. All he had to rely on now is his brains to get out and stop the villains.

Izuku also couldn't get a cell reception inside.

"Judging from the range and the surface of the roads, we must be driving along the old subway lines. They must be looking for an exit in the downtown district. " Izuku spoke to himself

"Has anyone seen Midoryia?" The pro hero, Eraserhead, or also known as, Shota Aizawa, asked his class. The class just turned to look to see an empty seat.

"I don't know. I tried to call him. But I couldnt reach him" Uraraka said as she held up her phone.

"I could not reach him either. He must be out of range" Iida said pushing up his glasses.

"I'll just let the office know. Continue on your work" Aizawa said as he pulled out his phone and left for the hall. As he went to call the office, he a text from All Might. "What does he want?" He clicked his contact and brought the phone to his ear. "What is it?"

"I have news about Young Midoryia" All Might spoked through the phone.

"What damage did the problem Child make make this time?" Aizawa asked.

As izuku sat in the trailer thinking of what to do, he bounced around as something hit the trailer.

"What going on?" Izuku asked himself. He felt the truck come to a stop. When it came to a stop, the lights came back on. When they came on, the first thing Izuku laid his eyes on was a sign with a Skull and crossbones and next to it was large capsule.

"Poison gas!? Why do they have Poison gas? Where did they get it from?" Izuku asked himself.

"Step away from the canister"

Izuku turned around to see a masked man standing in front of him. Holding a gun to him. Because of the quirk nullifier, he couldn't use his Quirk to get out of the way in time.

"Dont shoot" izuku put up his hands. The man stepped closer. As the man got closer, he recognized the uniform.

'What is the military doing here? I guess if the villains stole Poisonous gas, they would want them on it instead of heroes.' Izuku thought to himself.

"Step away from the canister villain" the man ordered.

"I'm not a villain. I'm a student at U-"

"Shut up and Step away from the canister." The Man ordered. Izuku just stepped out of the trailer to avoid any confrontation with the military.

"Ok, I'm listening" Izuku said to the man. He raised his hand to ear, keeping the gun pointed at Izuku.

"Yes sir" the man said lowering his hand. Izuku heard a clicking from the gun, making his eyes widen. He tried to use his Quirk to move, but he couldn't. He was still in range of the quirk nullifier.

As he stood there, they both heard a hissing sound. Turning around, Izuku saw the capsule open. He immediately grabbed his mask, putting it on since it had a filtration unit built into it. But what came out of the capsule wasn't Poisonous gas.

Instead it was a girl.

Izuku stood there in complete shock. But all signs led to it being Poisonous gas. The girl started to fall from the capsule. So Izuku jumped back into the capsule to grab the girl. As he did. A loud bang went off and There was a sharp pain in his right shoulder.

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