Chapter 29- Let's Talk

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While they were waiting for Himiko to finish talking with Dabi, Izuku sat next to Tomura.

The leader didn't change much; he stubbornly ignored Izuku's presence, refusing to participate in any of the games that were held earlier. He especially didn't pay attention now.

It was typical behavior for Tomura, not any different than a month ago. In fact, if their roles were switched, Izuku would've acted the exact same way too. This time though, Izuku did want to talk with Tomura. He knew his brother was confused, possibly angry.

Izuku understood that. In answering his brother's questions, Izuku would also get to ask some questions of his own. He knew their time was short, as Himiko would be coming down soon enough.

The problem was getting Tomura to notice him. The leader didn't acknowledge the three second stare the teen was giving him.

But he knew was making Tomura uncomfortable.

It was evident in the way Tomura's fingers on the controller sped up. They went faster and faster, until he inevitably slipped-up and he lost the level.

Frustrated, he snapped, "Stop gawping at me."

"Sorry," Izuku said, in an unapologetic tone. "But did you really break into U.A. for me?"

Tomura picked his controller back up, and scowled in return. "No."

Izuku leaned forward. "What for, then?"

"Get out of my face."

"No." Izuku said.

"I don't care if you're mad, I'll turn your face to dust if you start berating me for going into the camp."

"What gave you impression that I'm mad?"

"You're always pissed off at me!"

"No, I'm n-" Now Izuku was the one scowling. "I'm not mad."

Unconvinced, Tomura snarled, "What kind of magic was cast on you?"

"Not bad magic," Izuku said, shifting in his seat. "And besides, what's wrong with a little magic?"

"It's making you act freaky," Tomura said, restarting the level. "It's disconcerting."

"Don't be ridiculous," Izuku said. "I've been gone for a month, didn't you expect changes?"

Tomura waved his controller in Izuku's face, threatening to throw it if he didn't shut up. Unfortunately for him, that caused his avatar to fling himself off a platform and fall to his doom.

Tomura nearly disintegrated his controller. "You made me lose!"

"You're the one with the controller." Izuku retorted. That time, his brother did disintegrate the controller.

(Behind them, Kurogiri made a note to himself that after he washed the dishes, he should get another controller from the secret back-up stash.)

While Tomura was complaining about Izuku acting weird, Izuku thought the opposite was true.

Even dusting the off the ash on his clothes, Tomura was strangely calm. The entire exchange, he was calm. For Tomura standards, of course. He was angry, but not furious. The League was exposed, but he wasn't evacuating.

Frankly, it concerned Izuku. Never did he think he'd see the day where Tomura calmed his nerves in a few hours and consent to put his father-figure mentor in jail. Pretty surreal, if you asked him.

When Tomura had shut off the TV, Izuku asked him, "How come you're not mad? About capturing dad, and all."

Tomura ordered a glass of water from Kurogiri, sniffed at Izuku, and spat, "Because you're Inko's child."

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