Chapter 19- I Can Do This

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Muscular's fist, once again, crushed the hard rock wall that Izuku was in front of barely a second ago, shards splintering in every direction. His razor slashed against the thick layers of muscle fibers with no effect, as they mended themselves all too quickly.

Izuku jumped back, shoes scraping against the rocky ground, breathing heavily. He wiped the sweat on his forehead.

No matter how fast he was, nothing could beat the speed of that quirk. Izuku cursed. The cliff's edge was only a few feet behind him. Izuku needed more space, more time, to somehow scrape a victory together, neither of which he had.

For all he knew, the fire could be burning from all sides and he'd still be fighting. Even if it somehow climbed its way to the top of the cliff, Muscular had more than enough endurance and speed to make it through, and Izuku knew he wouldn't.

So Izuku's aim was to get one opening, just one, long enough to get to Muscular's weak point: his eyes. One was glass and the other was normal. Glass shattered easily enough, and a razor would do good against the soft flesh.

But those eyes were protected against an entire body of powerful muscle, making it nearly impossible to reach it. Izuku was thinking of throwing the razor to Muscular's eyes, but the villain's reflexes were too sharp for that, risking for Izuku to not only lose his weapon, but Shoto's gift to him.

He was fighting a losing battle here, one where he could die. 'Just one opening,' he prayed.

Izuku yelled out, running forward again, Muscular grinning wildly. The greenette glowered, and in the midst of running kicked a hard pebble straight towards the villain's face. 

Muscular swatted it away with ease, and Izuku appeared immediately in his face, ready to slash. 'Work!' he demanded. His arm started to swing, but never made its target, as an arm crashed into him, flinging him into the cliff's stone walls.

Izuku cried out, his pain flaring all along his backside. Without a moment's waste, a fist blew into his stomach. He choked in pain, the raw taste of bile and blood coughed up, burning his throat.

He collapsed onto the floor, coughing, tears blurring out his eyes.

"I didn't know you turned into such a weakling," Muscular taunted. "Heroes, always ripping away any potential. It's a shame you turned into something like this." He grinned, looming over Izuku's figure. "It's time for you to go-!"


Water trickled in from above. It was cold, cool like rain. It washed the dirt from Izuku's face as he looked up. Kota, tear-faced, was sprinkling water down from the next cliff ledge.

'Did he.. climb all the way up there?' 

"s this... is this how you killed... Water Hose and dad.. like this too..?" Kota's shaky voice was barely audible from all the way up the cliff. Izuku looked up. Water Hose? "Is this how you did it?!"

"No way, you're Water Hose's kid?!" Muscular yelled back up. "Heh, this must be fate. They're the ones that gave me this glass eye."

"You're... you're killing him!" Kota pointed at Izuku. "Don't you... don't you know each other?"

"Know him?" Muscular laughed. "Of course I do!" He lightly kicked Izuku's stomach. "I'm part of the group his daddy owns, isn't that nice?"

"Then... how.. are you able to do something like that... with such a big grin on your face?!" Kota shouted. "How can you kill him like that?! Aren't you supposed to be teammates?!"

A wave of cold frost suddenly blew over Izuku.

"Some villains don't have loyalties," a new voice answered. "It looks like I made it in time."

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