Chapter 8- I Would Say I'd Like Your Help

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Izuku leaned against the wall next to Recovery Girl's door, waiting for Dabi to come walking out so they could leave. Next to him was Himiko, whose legs and arms were wrapped in a thin layer of gauze. 

She hadn't said much about her battle to him, not that he really expected her to. Ochaco had run off after the third battle, saying she was going see if Tsuyu had already been discharged. It didn't seem like she'd be going back to visit Himiko yet.

He turned his head to the left, the office door still unopened. Speaking of being discharged, he met some of his other classmates he fought with some time in the halls, giving them a small nod or a little greeting.

But with Shoto, their conversation ended up being just a little bit longer.

"You made me use it," he said, and Izuku found himself looking straight into the teen's heterochromia eyes. "My fa- my left side." he quickly corrected himself.

"You're right, I did," Izuku responded, a hand in his pocket. "It's just as pretty as I imagined."

There was silence, slight redness appearing on Shoto's face.

"I'm sorry." Shoto said eventually.

"For what?"

"Saying we were nothing alike," he said, eyes trailing down. "It seems I was wrong."

"W-Well, that's not something you have to apologize over," Izuku said, waving his hand slightly. "In fact, I probably shouldn't have told you that you were basically doomed."

Shoto shook his head. "It doesn't matter now. Besides, there's other things I want to talk about," his face became serious, "Your quirk, to be specific."

"My quirk," Izuku repeated, sighing. He already knew what the bi-color haired teen was going to say. "What about it?"

Shoto tilted his head and raised a brow, almost like he was analyzing him. "You said it's dysfunctional, didn't you?"

"I did."

"Well, I want to help you," Shoto said. "I want to make you use it."

"Because I helped you with yours?" Izuku guessed.

"Yeah," Shoto said. "Exactly."

Izuku shifted awkwardly in place, contemplating on whether or not he should tell Shoto just what his quirk did. It was one thing to offer help to someone use their quirk without knowing what it did, and another thing to offer the same knowing their quirk was dysfunctional.

Shoto was weird, is what Izuku got from him.

"What if I can't use my quirk?"

"Yes, you can. You said you didn't use it 'because you didn't want to.'"

"Right, I did say that," Izuku sighed, putting a hand to his head. "I-"

"You don't have to tell me right now," Shoto interrupted. "Just eventually."

"And how soon is eventually?"

Shoto shrugged. "Whenever you want."

'Whenever you want.' The door to Recovery Girl's office opened. 'That's not something you should say to someone who doesn't want to talk.'

"You were waiting for me?" Dabi said, fresh bandages wrapping his body. Then, in a flat voice, he added, "Aww, I'm flattered."

"Yeah, I'd be flattered too if I was waiting for me!" Himiko grinned. "Anyways, you're slow. Let's go back, okay?"

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