Huntress x Depressed! Killer! Reader

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(In this story, you will have the same power as the trapper in this story but you can look like whatever you want)


(Y/N)'s POV


I walk down the stairs in my house and as I entered the living room, I saw my mom, passed out drunk on the couch. I sighed as I picked up the empty alcohol bottles and I tossed them in the trash.

(Y/N): "Why did I expect something different would actually happen."

My mom had promised me that she would stop drinking and get sober but of course, that didn't happen. This wasn't the first time she promised me she would get sober and ended up not doing it. I saw that my mom had a knife grasped in her hands. I was kinda concerned that she may have been cutting herself as an act of self-harm so I carefully took the knife out of her hand and I looked at her arms and she didn't seem to have any cuts. I sighed in relief and I took the knife and put it back into the kitchen.

Life has been really hard ever since my dad passed away 3 years ago. Ever since then my mom and I got really depressed. My mom ever since the passing of my father, would spend most of the time either at work or at a bar getting drunk. She had gotten really neglectful, she was almost never around and the most she did would be going to the grocery store to get food for us but that's it. I still loved my mom because before my father's passing, she was an amazing lady but now she wasn't the same woman at all.

(Y/N): "Alright mom I'm going to school, have a good day!" hopeful I would get a response, she didn't say anything tho.

(Y/N): "Great..."

I exited my house to head to school.


As I entered the school I saw a group of people that was near the entrance of the school and I immediately put my head down and tried to walk past the group but they ended up noticing me.

???: "Look who it is, it's the loner"

Oh no please not today! I just kept walking but I felt myself getting shoved from behind.

???: "Hey shithead, don't ignore me!"

I turned around while on the ground and saw it was my bully, Lance.

(Y/N): "What do you want Lance?" I began to get up but I was again pushed down again.

Lance: "Nothing I just like fucking with you!"

Yeah, fucking with me. Making my life a living hell is totally is just "fucking with me"

Lance: "Alright everyone let's go!" he yelled to his group of friends. They all left to probably be a dick to another person.

(Y/N): "What a great way to start a day..." I said sarcastically.


I was so glad that school was over and I was walking back home when I heard someone say something from behind me;

???: "Hey fucker!"

I looked behind me and I saw Lance by himself, running towards me. I didn't want to know what he was attempting to do so I started running away from him!

Lance: "Hey, come back here!"

I was just running when I look back to see he was catching up to me. I looked to my side and saw the forest and I thought I could maybe lose him in the woods. So I turned and started to run into the woods.

Lance: "You fucking cunt! When I catch you, I'm gonna beat you so bad you will need to go to the hospital!"

I kept running around the trees and bushes trying to lose him but I heard a snap from behind me and then I heard a scream of pain. I looked behind me and saw Lance on the ground with a bear trap around his leg. I quickly rushed over to him but I didnt do anything, I just stood over him watching him be in pain.

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