Lisa-Garland x Killer! Reader

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(I am going to be completely honest I have no idea about anything silent hill but I was requested to do this and I want to make sure peoples requests are fulfilled :D. I was told Lisa is a very kind and sympathetic so that's what I'm going off of!)

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm very usual to this realm. The entity realm is a very dead place that is very dark and often have killers from the past. Not a place where technology would be a thing but the entity brought me to the realm, someone who has a robotic arm and who often relies on my spider-drones to kill.

I was born to an abusive household. My dad would constantly beat me and my mom didn't beat me but she was very neglectful. My parents were also Drug Addicts and often left me to fend for myself. I was born with both arms but I lost one when I was being held for ransom by some drug dealers my parents forgot to pay. They cut off my arm, threatening to kill me if they didn't get paid. My mom somehow convinced my dad to pay them and I was rushed to a hospital and made a recovery without my arm...

After that incident, I decided that day I would get my arm back and take vengeance against the people who took my arm away. I started to learn about robotics and learning about prosthetics to eventually learn how to make a new arm for me. I basically stayed in the garage of my home all the time constantly learning how to make robots along with my new arm. Once I became 16 I got a job so I could get better equipment for my inventions. I was able to get enough money to afford the best parts for my new arm.

I was able to make an arm that had full function. It was basically a new arm. It had a power source that was able to keep in a backpack that I constantly kept with me.

During my teenage years my father wasn't very interested in beating me anymore. He often was just neglectful which I didn't mind. He was aging and was getting weaker and weaker with the more drugs he put into himself.

The breaking point is when I came home one day and going to my room and saw it was ransacked! I noticed my safe was broken into and I saw my money was gone! I instantly went back downstairs and saw my dad was giving my money to drug dealers!

(Y/N): "What the fuck do you think your doing! That's my money!"

Dad: "Shut the fuck up you useless sack of shit! Or I will cut of your other arm!"

The drug dealers laughed at me and I saw it was the same ones that took my arm! I took the hammer that I kept in my backpack and proceeded to attack my dad and the dealers. I kept beating them until they all weren't moving anymore. They tried to stop me but they were all weak. My mom came into the room and saw what I was doing.

Mom: "You motherfucker! I will kill you." She then charged me with a pocket knife but she was no threat. I killed her just like my dad and the dealers.

Nobody was going to miss them. Nobody would know what I had done. I dumped the body's into the basement and didn't give it a second thought.

I decided to become a vigilante. The city I lived in was a hotspot for corruption and wrong doing. I decided to make some drones that could go out and do the dirty work for me. I made spider-drones that came in multiple sizes. From the size to a penny to the size of a dinner plate. They all did the same thing, release electricity once they grab onto a person that is always lethal.

I put these drones all over the town and I controlled them from my house. I kept a couple around my house to protect me from the many drug dealers that came to seek out my parents. They all ended up in the basement along with my parents. I was able to fashion my arm to keep a couple of my drones in my robotic arm, that I was able to release at will.

I don't remember when I was taken to the entity realm. I just remembered falling asleep at my house and waking up to a place that was similar to home.

The Entity kept the 5 drones that I kept in my arm and made it so I can control them once placed down with my phone. The drones also alert me once any survivors are close to my drones.

(It's now the present)

I was teleported to The Red Forest. This realm can be a 50/50 for me if I can get enough pressure. I started to place my drones around the map and I was able to hook Dwight once but I'm not an aggressive killer. I retreat to the cabin and I sit on the table that's in the middle of the cabin and I pulled out my phone to start using my drones.

I was able to down Dwight (again) and I was able to down Nea. I was planning on "slugging" the survivors when I switched to a drone that was in the killer shack that alerted me that a survivor was close.

Lisa's POV

Lisa: "Look it's one of those drones!"

Claudette: "Break it then!"

Lisa: "Wait let me try something!"

I began to pick up the drone.

Claudette: "What are you doing!?"

I saw as the light from the drone to show the killer was controlling it.

Claudette: "Fuck this, your a dead women!" She then ran out of shack.

(Y/N)'s POV

I switch to the drone in shack and I was face to face with Lisa! A really pretty girl I have a slight crush on.

Lisa: "Hello? Can you see me?"

I pressed the mic option with the drone and began to speak.

(Y/N): "I can see you. Maybe you should put my drone down and start running."

Lisa: "Wait before you do anything can I ask you something?"

(Y/N): "Alright you can ask me something."

Lisa: "Can you let us go?"

I began to laugh.

(Y/N): "You are asking me, the killer to not kill you?"

Lisa: "Yep!" She said it so happily.

It was so cute I felt my face start to become red.

I didn't speak for like 30 seconds. I thought about it and decided I didn't want to kill her. Even if that means letting her other friends go.

(Y/N): "Fine. But only this one time!"

She had a huge smile on her face and said

Lisa: "Thank you so much!" She then kissed my drone and then put it down. I heard her telling her friends what we agreed to.

But I was too busy focusing on the kiss. Was that supposed to be for me or the drone! If my face wasn't red before it definitely was now...

(I kinda realize this was mostly backstory for your character but hey I had fun with the backstory so who cares 🤷🏻‍♂️)

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