Nancy x Shy! Survivor! Reader

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(I haven't watched much of Stranger Things I only got to the part where the sheriff is about to break into the Hawkins Lab so if this isn't completely how Nancy would act I do apologize)

(Y/N)'s POV

I could tell Steve was staring daggers into the back of my head and the reason why was because I was close friends with his ex girlfriend, Nancy. We had became friends when she came to the entity realm because I matched her shyness and she told me I had a "comforting aura". I personally did not get this because I'm just a 18 year old who has major social anxiety who was trying to become a doctor or a nurse. I guess maybe the fact I was trying to become a doctor is comforting for her but I wasn't complaining because Nancy was a very nice girl and I loved talking to her.

Anyway back to the fact Steve was probably wishing he could punch me in the face. He never said anything to me or Nancy but I could tell he was super jealous by the fact he was constantly giving me dirty looks like all the time to the point where Jeff even pointed it out to me and I had to tell him that I was aware of this and he said if Steve ever did anything to me or Nancy he would kick his ass. Jeff was a good friend of mine even though he was very extroverted so the complete opposite of me, he still made an effort to be very nice and welcoming to me when I came to this realm.

So I was just sitting near the campfire with Nancy to the right of me and Jeff was to the left of me. Jeff was currently talking to someone else but I did appreciate his presence which he did know. Nancy and me were talking about our old lives mainly talking about my old life because she came from the 1980s while I came from the 2020s so she was super curious about all the modern stuff of the 2020 when all of a sudden black smoke started to appear around me, Jeff, Nancy which means one thing: a trial was about to begin.

I was teleported to the Red Forest to begin the trial and I mentally groaned when I saw I was with Steve on the balcony of the cabin. I began to work on the generator on the balcony and Steve begun to work on it to. We were about half way done with the generator when I heard Steve begun to talk to me:

Steve: "So what the hell is your deal?"

I was so shocked at this because I had no idea what he meant.

(Y/N): "What do you mean?" I said in a quiet tone.

Steve: "You know, your deal! What are you trying to do with Nancy!?"

(Y/N): "Nothing I'm just trying to be a good friend!"

Steve: "I don't believe you! Your up to something and I'm not gonna let you do what your planning!"

He then stopped working on generator and pushed me to the ground then he punched me in the face and I was powerless to do anything when all of a sudden, Steve was punched in the back of his head and I saw Jeff and Nancy standing over me and Steve who were on the floor. Nancy immediately went over to me and helped me up while Jeff put his foot on Steve's chest to make sure he would stay down.

Jeff: "Get (Y/N) out of here, I'm gonna have a word with Steve"

But before Nancy took me away, she went over to Steve and punched him straight in his face which possibly broke his nose.

Jeff: "Heh nice punch"

Nancy then took me over to the killer shack and into the basement where I was able to get a medkit and I was able to patch myself up because I knew how to do it really fast. I didn't have any bad injuries just a potential black eye. I was finishing up healing myself when Nancy started to ask me questions

Nancy: "Why did he attack you!?"

(Y/N): "I don't know he seems to think I'm up to something when it comes to you!"

Nancy: "What? Up to something? Why would he think you are up to something? You are always so nice to me and you even were to shy to talk to me when I first came to this realm!"

(Y/N): "I have no idea. I'm guessing he is just finding any excuse to have a problem with me because I hang out with you the most."

Nancy: "Wow. He is jealous!"

(Y/N): "I guess that's seem to be the reason why he attacked me."

Nancy: "Well he can stay jealous and he will be even more jealous after what I'm going to do."

(Y/N): "what are you going to d-."

She then kissed me. I was surprised at first but then I became more comfortable and started to kiss her back. We stayed like that until we needed to come back up for air.

Nancy: "Will you be my boyfriend."

(Y/N): "Of course I will"

She then hugged me and I hugged her back. We both got scared when we heard a cough behind us but we saw it was actually just Jeff.

Jeff: "Sorry to disrupt you love birds but we are still in a trial and we need to finish the gens but don't worry I made a deal with the killer so we can all escape....except Steve but I'm guessing no one is opposed to this" *chuckles*

Nancy: "I'm definitely fine with that."

I just nodded so Nancy took my hand and we followed Jeff to the generators and we fixed them and we saw that Steve was hooked and the killer who was Susie of the legion face camp him and barrage him with insults for what he did. Not gonna lie all three of us laughed at this.

(I have become the biggest Jeff Simp so I'm probably going to do a story about him next <3)

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