Drunk! Amanda-(Pig) x Killer! Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

Dear entity everyone is so annoying. I'm currently at the killer campfire and half of the fucking killers are drunk as hell. I'm not drinking because the alcohol the entity gave us killers taste like dog shit. But the killer who are drinking obviously just want to feel good for once in our now miserable existence. I was currently talking to the plague because the alcohol was so bad that even the killer that literally throws up to kill survivors think the alcohol taste bad. Anyway I was casually talking to the plague about our recent trials and whatever topic came up when I all of a sudden saw Amanda come strolling out of the group of killers and she was coming in our direction.

She came up to me and plague and she sat next to me and I could tell she was really drunk...

Amanda: *hic* "(Y/N), you should totally have some of this booze *hic* it is making me feel great..."

(Y/N): "Uhh I'm good Amanda but thanks I guess."

Amanda: *hic* "Why not? It will make you feel great also...loosen you up a little bit..."

(Y/N): "Amanda, I said no I'm good but thank you."

Amanda: "Come on, don't be such a buzzkill."

(Y/N): "Amanda, for the last time, no!"

Amanda: "Come on (Y/N) if you jus-"

I was so fucking sick of her trying to pressure me into drinking so before she could finish her sentence, I stood up and said:

(Y/N): "That's it I'm fucking done, I'm leaving! Bye plague have a nice night" and I began to walk towards the direction of my realm

Amanda: "Wait (Y/N) I'm sorry!"

But I didn't listen to her so I just kept walking until I got back to my realm.


I was currently just sitting on a branch high up on a tree and I was just carving arrows for my bow. I had to make my own arrows for when I was outside a trial so that's what I often did when I was bored and had nothing else to do. I also had my pet owl that was taking a nap on my head so I was currently in the most uncomfortable position but it didn't matter because I loved my owl and she is adorable.

I was about to make my last arrow when I heard movement in my realm. The entity gave me really good hearing so I pretty much could hear when anyone would enter my realm. I was listening just waiting for the possible drunk dumbass to walk further into my realm and I would have to either 1) tell them to get out and they would or 2) have to fight them to get them out. I was just waiting for them to verbally speak and when I heard who it was I mentally groaned.

Amanda: "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Are you here!?"

I didn't say anything because I didn't want to blow my cover.

Amanda: "Please (Y/N) I just want to talk!"

I still remained silent.

Amanda: "(Y/N)..."

She then went under the tree I was in, and she crumbled to the ground and put her face in her knees. (Btw this whole time she has the pig mask off)

Amanda: "He hates me...I made him hate me...why must I be so bad at this I just wanted to have some fun (not nsfw fun) with him...even tho he isn't the most expressive person, he was always so nice and respectful...I considered him a friend and I messed that up..." she then began to cry

I sighed to myself and I kinda felt bad. As much as it might seem from today's event I don't hate Amanda. I actually had a crush on her. I thought she was super adorable especially when she gets hit by a pallet. I feel bad when she does get hit by it but she always made that cute squeak.

I got up from my position and I stood on the branch. I told my owl to go to Amanda and she did. She landed on Amanda's knees and it obviously surprised her but also I could tell it excited her.

Amanda: "Wait your (Y/N)'s owl! That means (Y/N) is around, right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah." I said quite loudly

I then jumped down from the branch and landed right in front of her.

Amanda: "Hi..." she seemed to get sad again and kinda buried her face back into her knees

(Y/N): "Look I don't hate you...I truly don't...in fact I not only don't hate you but...I have a crush on you..."

She looked up with eyes that had tears in it but she had a shock expression. She then immediately got up to her feet and got 3 inches away from me.

Amanda: "Really...please tell me your not joking because if you are it's not funny..."

(Y/N): "I'm not joking I promise I'm not joking. I really do a crush on you."

She then started to give me kisses. Just a constant flow of kisses which I did love. Once she was done giving me kisses, she finally said:

Amanda: "I have a crush on you also..."

(Y/N): "Really? I couldn't tell." I chuckled while saying this.

Amanda: "Shut up." She put her head on my chest and I heard her begin to yawn

I thought it was adorable. I picked her up bridal style and I began to go towards my house that was in my realm.

Amanda: "Where are we going?"

(Y/N): "My house because your a little too drunk to go home."

She then buried her face into my chest and said ok

Once I got to my house I went to my room and I put her on my bed. Once I got into my bed, she instantly latched onto me and said:

Amanda: "I love you..."

(Y/N): "I love you too..."

I kissed her on her forehead and we both fell asleep

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