Spirit x Betrayed! Survivor/Killer! Reader

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(Ngl this was inspired by another fan fic I read but it had the huntress in it instead of spirit but I also didn't read it all the way through and I can't seem to find the fanfic but if this seems kinda familiar that's why)

(Y/N)'s POV

Dear god I need to get these wounds healed up and back into the trial. I began to search the chest in the basement to hopefully find a medkit to heal my wounds. I was luckily able to find a medkit and I began to heal up my wounds when I heard the scream of Ace as he was hooked but I was too scared to go for the unhook and I was just about done with healing my wounds. Once I was finished healing I noticed nobody has saved Ace so I quickly rushed out of the basement of the Yamaoka Estate and headed towards Ace.

I unhooked Ace and I began to heal him but he then began to berate me with questions.

Ace: "What the fuck took you so long!?"

(Y/N): "I was healing myself in the basement. I thought the other survivors would save you!"

Ace: "God damn fucking idiot kid" he said under his breath that I pretended to not hear

Once I was done healing him I heard the killers terror radius begin to head towards us and I saw The Spirit started to run towards us when all of a sudden I was pushed towards The Spirit by Ace and he ran off in other other direction.

(Y/N): "Fuck!" I screamed trying to dodge her swing at me but I failed and I was injured again!

I started to run away from her but I looked back and saw that she wasn't chasing me but seemed to have a sad look on her face. I didn't have time to wonder why she wasn't chasing me I just needed to heal myself...again

Fuck you Ace


I was working on a generator near the killer shack and it was almost done when I heard Adam was hooked and I saw it was in the basement. I knew that was dangerous to attempt to unhook him so I finished the generator and he was still hooked so I had to rush towards the basement that was on the other side of the realm I was in but I full sprinted to the basement. I ran down the stairs of the basement and saw Adam was struggling to fight the entity off! I quickly unhooked him and made sure he was alright.

Adam: "What took you so god damn long!? I was just about to get sacrificed!"

(Y/N): "I was finishing a generator! I thought Ace or Feng would save you!"

Adam: "Well they were probably busy being chased by The Spirit couldn't you have waited to finish the generator!"

I was so shocked at this! Why was he so mad at me I did save him and finish a generator! Like I get that he almost got sacrificed but I did save him and it seems like Ace and Feng didn't even try to save him.

I finished healing him and we begun to run up the stairs when I saw Ace was at the top of the stairs and he said:

Ace: "You deserves death!"

He then kicked me down the stairs and I fell down the stairs, hitting my head on the landing of the basement. I was going in and out of consciousness but I was able to see when Ace yelled to the Spirit that I was knocked out at the bottom of the basement. Then he and Adam ran away from the basement and I saw as the Spirit looked down towards me and began to descend the stairs and I prepared to be thrown on a hook...but she didn't. She picked me up and layed me down in the corner of the basement. She then said this:

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