Julie x Ex-Best-Friend! Survivor! Reader #2

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(So I got my Covid vaccine yesterday and I felt like shit for most of today so that was fun! [Sarcasm])

(Y/N)'s POV


I mentally groaned as I approached my high school. I had almost no patience for today and I didn't even enter the school yet. As I was entering the school and was walking towards my first period class when I heard the voice I was dreading to hear.

???: "Hey look who is finally here!"

Fuck. It was Frank. I kept walking just trying to ignore him but of course that didn't work. He ran up to be facing me and said:

Frank: "Hey motherfucker I'm talking to you!"

(Y/N): "I could literally not give a shit I am trying to get to my class"

Frank: "Oh look at you being the responsible student like the loser you are!" He then proceeded to laugh like he just told the best joke of the century.

I pushed past him to get to my class and he of course insulted me but I just ignored him.

I entered the class and sat down at my desk that was at the back of the classroom. I put my head on my desk to rest my eyes before the class started when I heard the familiar tap of a cane entering the classroom. I looked up and saw my friend Kylie entering the classroom so I immediately got up and went over to her to help her get to her desk. I let her interlock our arms so it was easier for her to walk.

Kylie: "You know you don't have to always help me. I can get to places on my own just fine (Y/N)"

(Y/N); "I know but it's much easier for you if I help out."

She then chuckled and said:

Kylie: "Well I'm not going to stop you."

I took her over to her desk which was the desk next to mine. She sat down at her desk while I sat down at my desk and we began to talk about whatever came up. Kylie was my friend ever since we started high school but we have became closer ever since Julie, my ex best friend decided to date my bully, Frank and become a bully herself. We were talking about the apex legends matches we played last night together when I saw Julie enter the classroom. I saw as she looked at me then looked at Kylie and she gave Kylie the most evil glare I have ever seen a person give. So I gave her one in return to kinda tell her to fuck off. She stopped giving Kylie that look and she went to her desk which was across the room for us. I saw the teacher enter the room and I knew that meant class was about to start.


I'm so glad it's lunch because I'm starving. I'm currently heading towards the cafeteria to get lunch and head back to my first period classroom which is where I eat lunch with Kylie and our teacher. I was getting close to the cafeteria when I saw a huge group of people was surrounding something, probably a fight which I wasn't going to bother myself with until I heard the voice of Kylie coming from the middle of the group.

Kylie: "Please stop I did nothing to you!"

Then I heard the voice of Frank coming from the middle of the group!

Frank: "You stupid bitch! You fucking insulted my girl now your going to pay!"

Kylie: "I never said anything about Julie I don't know what your talking about!"

I immediately rushed to the group of people and pushed past them to see Frank was beating up Kylie with her cane. She was laying on the ground covering up her face with her arms and I saw she was crying. I rushed towards them and before Frank could react to me, I punched him in his face knocking him to the ground.

Frank: "What the fuck! Oh look it's the crippled bitches friend. I'm gonna knock you both unconscious for ever daring to fuck with my girl!"

(Y/N): "I have no idea what you are talking about! Me and Kylie have not messed with Julie ever! I haven't talked to her ever since she started dating you!"

Frank: "Liar! She told me Kylie insulted her and was talking shit about her! So now I'm gonna make sure you both get a world of pain!"

I had no idea what he was talking about, Kylie wasn't the type of person who would talk shit about anyone or insult anyone! I knew Julie must have lied to get Frank angry at Kylie but why would she do this?! Kylie has never done anything to her so why would she do this?!

Frank immediately got back up and swung Kylies cane at me to hit me but I was able to grab the cane before it hit me and I kicked him in the stomach. He let go of the cane and fell back to the ground. I put down Kylies cane and I went over to Frank and I started to just kick him in his stomach and chest. Frank was all bark but when he tried to bite he always failed miserably like I'm not a strong person or a fighter but if I'm able to beat him up then he must have no bite.

I was just beating on Frank when the principal pulled me away from him.

Principal: "(Y/N) that's enough!"

(Y/N): "He is the one who was beating up Kylie! I was the one to stop it because no one else seemed to do anything but just stare!"

Principal: "Frank is this true?"

Frank: "Yea it's true! The crippled bitch insulted my girl so I made sure she knew to never do it again!"

Principal: "Jesus Frank this is unacceptable! Go to my office and (Y/N) take Kylie to the nurses office."

I grabbed Kylies cane and I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the nurses office.

After that incident that's when I started to absolutely despise Frank and Julie. But what confused me was why would Julie ever do that? Why would she lie so Frank would attack Kylie? I didn't know but after that I never planned on talking to Julie ever again...

That promise didn't hold up tho...

(I hope you guys liked this kinda prequel story! I thought it would be cool to do a prequel type story and this story line kinda set up for that! Again I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you all have a fantastic night or day!)

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