Mikaela x Slight-Yandere! Killer! Reader

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(Welp it took me longer to start making this than I would like admit. But hey I'm finally updating so that's good I guess xD)

(Y/N)'s POV

Magic. Something most people wish they had to make their life easier, but all it did for me was make my life a living hell.

When I was around the age of 5, my grandmother asked me if I wanted to learn how to use and wield magic. Since I was 5 and I really thought it would cool to learn magic and show it off to my friends but the first thing she told me was that if I was to learn how to use it I couldn't tell anyone, even my mother and father. I didn't understand at the time why I couldn't show anyone but still I really wanted to learn.

I did start to learn and I quickly understood why I couldn't tel anyone. Even at my young age I saw how disturbing the magic I was learning was. I found out years later that my grandmother was teaching me black magic. It was the magic of some sort of entity or demon I wasn't completely sure what it was.

Anyway when I was around 11, my parents got into a car crash killing them...I was devastated to hear the news. My grandmother was my only parental figure that I had left. I began to cling to her more and more. I didn't want to lose her just like I had lost my parents.

I also grew an attachment to a girl in my high school I had a major crush on. I hate to admit it but I kinda stalked her throughout high school. I just wanted to make sure she was ok at all times and I couldn't help it. It all came to a head when I witnessed her getting abused by her father. To say I was pissed would be an understatement! I took out my pocket knife and pulled my hood up, I broke the window I was looking through and entered her house. She immediately ran away while her dad was screaming at me. I ignored him and I rushed him with my knife! He didn't have time react before I stabbed him in the heart! He fell over and I began to stab him over and over again. Once I saw the life drain from his eyes I looked up and saw my crush looking at me and she was clearly calling the police!

I got up and jumped out the window I broke and began to run back to my house. Once I got back to my house I was greeted to my grandmother dead on the floor and I saw claw like things coming from the walls, It looked like the magic I use! I began to cast magic to fight against whatever had kill the only parental figure I had for years but my magic was doing nothing to the claws and before I could do anything more, a black mist started to surround me and I heard a voice begin to say:

???: "Your grandma decided to betray me and try to destroy me! Now I am taking you to become a killer for my trials which you already seem to be pretty good at considering what you just did earlier!" The voice then laughed!

I was then taken by the entity to do trials for it. I wanted to just die, I had nothing to live for. My grandmother was dead and even if I did get out of the realm, what did I have back on earth? I had no family left and the person I had a crush on saw me murder her father and I would be hunted by the police constantly. I can't die until it decides to kill me. So I'm stuck in this place with nothing to live for...well except for one thing or should I say person.

Mikaela. She is so beautiful! Probably the most beautiful person I have ever seen, even more beautiful than my previous crush! She was even good at magic like me but it was the opposite of my magic. She used her magic to make "boons" that gives her teammates "buffs" that make it harder for us killers to do certain things like tracking or keeping survivors injured. As much as I loved her, it's always a battle between me and her to get totems. My "ability" revolves around having "cursed" totems. For each totem I curse it lowers my "terror radius" goes down a little bit each time and once I have cursed 5 totems, all cursed totems will blocked off and I will have no terror radius and moves faster. But ever since Mikaela has joined the realm, it has been harder to get to my full potential during trials but whatever I don't really care.

???: "Hey kid! Get your head out of clouds! We need to begin the trial!"

I gave a death stare to the fat fuck known as the Clown and he backed away almost instantly.

Clown: "Alright kid I will just scout the bottom level of the area and you can do...whatever you want to do..." he then quickly went to the bottom level of the Gideon Meat Plant.

I sighed while I looked around the middle of the top level of the meat plant and I saw a totem. I went over to it and began to curse it. It only takes me about 5 seconds to curse totem and once I was done with that, I lazily went to look for more totems and survivors to hook. (It's a 2v6 trial if that wasn't apparent)


I threw Jake onto a hook and he didn't scream but he did insult me;

Jake: "Go to hell you motherfucker!"

(Y/N): "We are already here bud." I said in a monotone voice and gave him a glare.

He then looked down at the ground in defeat and I heard something. It sound like a "twinkling" sound and I knew what that was. I looked around the area and saw a boom totem, so that must mean Mikaela is around/in the trial. I feel my cheeks getting hot thinking about her. Dear god she is so beautiful!

(Y/N): "I love you Mikaela and I'm sorry I have to do this..." I then began to curse the totem to get my 4th lit totem.

I heard a generator get messed up across the map and I begrudgingly went towards the direction of the generator.

Mikaela's POV

I come from around the boxes I was hiding behind and I look at the now cursed totem.

Mikaela: "Loves me? He loves me?" As I felt my face get hot from the thought...

Jake: "Hey Mikaela, stop thinking about your boyfriend and come get me off this hook!?"

I gave him a death glare and he instantly looked down at the ground


(Y/N)'s POV

I was looking around the bottom floor to look for Mikaela because I knew she was the last survivor left. I was wondering how to interact with her when I heard a scream come from around the corner. I instantly ran around the corner to see clown throwing Mikaela to the ground.

Clown: "You got some nice fingers I might take one for me." He then looked at me and said:

Clown: "Hey kid you want to watch me stop this girl's head in?"

He was about to start to stop her head in when I sent one of my dark magic tentacles to grab ahold of his leg and I pulled him away from Mikaela.

Clown: "Kid what the fuck are you doi-" before he could say anything else I wrapped another tentacle around his throat and began to choke him out.

He tried to struggle but I quickly snapped his neck and I threw his lifeless body away. I saw Mikaela was crying while laying on the ground. I saw her hat was near me so I picked it up and I went over to her. She kinda flinched when I came near her which made me kinda sad...I don't want her to be scared of me.

(Y/N): "Please don't be scared I won't hurt you, I could never hurt you..."

She looked up at me as I handed her, her hat back. I picked her up bridal style. She let out a noise but I reassured her I wasn't going to put her on hook. I walked around the bottom level of the game until I found the hatch, I put her down next to the hatch.

(Y/N): "Go before the entity gets mad at me for doing what I did."

She looked at the hatch then back at me. I was about to look away when she smiled at me and gave me a kiss on my cheek!!

Mikaela: "Thank you" and with that she jumped into the hatch.

I put my hand over the spot where she kissed and I felt my face get really hot! A thought kept going through my head tho

She Is Mine!

(Dear god this took a long time to write I am so sorry about that but I hope you enjoyed this kinda yandere story, I apologize if it's not a good yandere story I'm not good at making yandere's xD)

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