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Hey guys so I just wanted to update y'all on why I haven't been writing that many one shots for awhile now. So during the anniversary event in dbd their were a ton of problems for console players which I am. So while I played during the event it was so frustrating and after awhile I just ended up giving up on the game and I didn't want to play it until the devs fixed console. When they did fix console, it still left a sour taste in my mouth that the devs took so long to fix it when basically everyone was telling them they needed to fix it because console dbd was so unplayable. Recently I have tried to get back into the game but I can really only play like 1 or 2 games before I get frustrated or bored so I get off the game and play a game I actually want to play. The game is so frustrating to play as killer because the gen speeds are still way too fast and it feels like I need to run ruin and undying to have a CHANCE to maybe no get gen rushed. I can't use my favorite killer perks in a build because I will pretty much always get gen rushed. Survivor on the other hand is more often than not pretty boring tbh and when it's not boring it's also frustrating because people are playing the most annoying killers *cough* spirit *cough* but I also understand why they are playing these killers it's because they are also probably going to get gen rushed and it's honestly ridiculous.

Also tbh besides the problems with dbd in general in my personal life it hasn't been so great. I barley have the motivation to do anything. Like doing chores, or playing videos games, or literally doing anything that isn't sleeping, has been really hard for me because I just have no motivation to do anything. I also have a really bad case of depression and anxiety so that's making things 10 times worse.

So I'm sorry for the lack of one shots I have been making, I'm not giving up on this book but please don't expect the daily stories I was doing when I first started to make this book. I would maybe expect one story per week or maybe 2 but don't be surprised if I don't even write anything at all.

So yeah I just wanted to update y'all and let y'all know what's going on with me. Anyways hopefully y'all have a good day/night 👍

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