Jane x Fan! Survivor! Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

Let's say one day your just a normal person, you just finished high school, you barely turned 18, and you were thinking about what to do with your life when all of a sudden you were sent to a realm to play a god's sick game but after being in this realm for a little bit, all of a sudden you see your celebrity crush come to the campfire being one of the newest survivors.

That situation is currently happening to me. I know not very relatable but seriously out of all the people the Entity could bring why did it have to bring Jane! Ever since she has come to realm I have been a flustered mess because I never suspected I would ever meet her and here she is in this realm!

I had briefly mentioned when I was talking to the survivors at one point that I really loved The Jane Romero Show so when Jane came to the realm, everyone basically teased me saying my favorite shows host was now here and even Jane herself actually heard this teasing at one point and she gave me her autograph. When she gave me it I was so flustered because I just got my celebrity crushes autograph! But I tried to show I wasn't about to fanboy so I said "thank you" and tried to hide my face in my hood but I guess I failed at hiding it because she chuckled then sat next to me to get to know me.

That was about a month ago I think I'm not completely sure I can't really tell time in this realm but anyway I was just sitting under a tree, trying to get some sleep because I was so exhausted when I heard someone walking over to me. I mentally groaned hoping they would just walk past me but then I heard the voice of my crush: Jane

Jane: "Hey (Y/N), look at the outfit the entity just gave me!"

I opened my eyes and I was immediately flustered. She had a dress on that was blue, she had high heel boots that went up to her thighs, and speaking of her thighs I was able to see some of it and while I don't want to sound perverted but she had some pretty thick thighs. (She essentially has the look of the cosmetic is the Late-Night Look)

I tried to hide my face in my hood and said:

(Y/N): "You look really good Jane..." I said while getting really red.

Jane: "Thanks! I knew you would like this outfit!"

What does she mean by that? Like she knows I hate the color blue so I don't really like the color of the dress but it's Jane! she looks good in any outfit!

Jane: "I have a question (Y/N), how come you never get any new outfits? I always see you in that hoodie and either basketball shorts or sweatpants."

(Y/N): "Well I do have more outfits I just feel more comfortable in this specific hoodie. This was always my comfort hoodie and I need a lot of comfort in this realm. But follow me I can show you my other cloths."

I got up and started to head towards my tent which had my other cloths.

Jane: "your taking me to your tent? What are you going to do~" she said in a seductive tone.

(Y/N): "N-nothing I'm just going to show you I have m-more cloths."

Jane: "I'm just teasing you sweetie." She chuckled after saying that.

We got to my tent and I let her in and I began to show her my other hoodies and other shorts, sweatpants, and I even had a pair of black jeans.

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