Female! Michael-Myers x Survivor! Reader #2

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(Y/N)'s POV

???: "(Y/N)!!"

Dear god.

(Y/N): "Yui, for the last time please stop following me."

How the hell did she find me!? I'm trying to escape from her because she would not leave me alone, so I tried to run into the fog that surrounded the campfire to avoid her but she fucking followed me! When I meant she wouldn't leave me alone I really mean it. If I was at the campfire she was always sitting next to me. If I was trying to talk to someone else, she would barge into the conversation and try to make me talk to her. Hell even if I was at my tent she would always be near it to tell people to go away and she even tried to enter it at one point. So I was just trying to get a little bit of alone time but no she had to follow me of fucking course.

Yui: "Please, (Y/N) slow down! I just want to make sure your ok! The fog can be dangerous!"

(Y/N): "Yea well the fog is 10 times better than having you glued to my ass constantly!" I stopped and turned around to face her.

Yui: "I just want to make sure your ok!"

(Y/N): "Im fine Yui! Now please go back to the campfire!"

Yui: "It's not safe out here! Come back with me!"

(Y/N): "No! If I go back with you then you will still be annoying me constantly! I need some alone time!"

Yui: "Why can't you take a hint! I like you (Y/N)! You saved my ass so many times how could I not like you!"

(Y/N): "I have literally saved everyone a ton of times! It's not just you! Im sorry but I don't return the feeling now please leave me alone!"

Yui: "Oh I understand...Im sorry I will leave you alone..."

When she turned around to leave, all of a sudden I saw Michelle pop out of nowhere and picked up Yui by the throat! She was about to stab her when I ran up to her and was able to snatch her knife away from her! I took a few steps back and prepared for her to attack me but she didn't, she just stood there while having Yui by the throat just looking at me. So I decided to try something dumb that I didn't think would work but I had to try.

(Y/N): "Michelle! Put her down!"

Michelle look at me, then looked at Yui for a couple of seconds...then she fucking put her down! Yui fell to the ground and started to back up immediately. She then got up on her feet and immediately ran towards the campfire.

Michelle just kept looking at me and she just stood there, looking at me. So I did a really dumb thing. I slowly walked towards her and I put out the knife for her to take. She just looked at me then the knife. She slowly grabbed to knife and held it in her hand.

(Y/N): "If you want to kill someone, kill me!"

She just looked at me then shook her head! I was so confused.

(Y/N): "Then why did you come here? If you aren't going to kill me, then why come here!?"

She just stared at me then she lifted her finger and pointed at me.

(Y/N): "Me? You came here for me?"

She then nodded.

(Y/N): "Well...I guess you have me...take me with you if that's what you want." I then held out my hand.

She stared at my hand for a little bit then took it and we started to walk towards are destination.


She took me to Haddonfield and she led me to the Myers house. She took me upstairs to which I did not find a generator but I saw it actually held a bed. I was so confused on why she took me here but she let go of my hand and she pointed at the bed.

(Y/N): "Do you want me to sit on the bed?"

She nodded, so I sat down on the bed. She didn't sit down tho she went over to a dresser and she begun to take her mask off! I watch as she took her mask off and I saw her long black hair fall all over the place and it covered her face. She then turned around to face me but I couldn't see her face because her hair covered it. She parted her hair just enough for me to see her part of her face and enough for her to see. She then came over to the bed and sat down next to me. I looked at her face and I saw that she had really deep brown eyes and I thought they were beautiful.

(Y/N): "Wow you have really beautiful eyes..."

She seemed shocked that I would say this and she even started to blush! She then started to hug me and I hugged back. She then layed us down so we were cuddling, so I just accepted it and I buried my face into her chest. She put her chin on the top of my head. We were like that for a little while when she all of a sudden started to kiss the top of my head. I immediately started to blush but I can lie I love the attention.

Michelle: "Sleep..."

She just spoke!! Holy crap what the hell is happening! But I didn't want to make her mad so I closed my eyes and I began to fall asleep.


I woke up and I wasn't in the Myers house, I was in my tent. Was that all just a dream? I stood up and began to exit my tent and head towards the campfire when I heard Yui's voice, I would have mentally groaned if I didn't hear what she was saying...

Yui: "Then when she was about to stab me, (Y/N) grabbed the knife and told her to put me down and she fucking listened to him! I ran away after that so I don't know if he was killed or not!"

All the survivor immediately started making plans to possibly save me but I cleared my throat and they all looked at me. They all stared until bill asked:

Bill: "Did what Yui just say is true?

Well I guess it wasn't a dream.

(Y/N): "Yea it's true. After she ran I have her knife back as I guess a peace offering of some sort but she didn't kill me, she took me to Haddonfield and to her house. She then took her mask off and she the cuddled me!"

Everyone fucking gasped and all collectively said;

Survivors: "You saw her face!?"

Dear god now I'm definitely not gonna be left alone for awhile.

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