Female! Michael-Myers x Survivor! Reader

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(So I was thinking about doing some genderbent stuff so you might see some more genderbent stuff in the future!)

(Y/N)'s POV

Great another trial had started. I was so sick of this already I had only been in this god forsaken place for a couple of weeks I think. Anyways I seemed to be in Haddonfield and I see I was with 6 survivors so that meant that it was a 2v6 trial. So now instead of worrying about 1 person coming after me to kill me, I had to worry about a second one. I watch 5 of the other survivors fight over 1 generator and I didn't want to deal with it so I left all of them to be killer bait.

I went to the complete other side of the map and went into the building that had a lower level because this building always had a generator. I went to the lower level of the building and begun to work on the generator that was in the room with 4 lockers. While I was repairing the generator I heard someone get hooked but I ignored it because I knew someone else would get them. I was about halfway done with the generator when I heard footsteps come down the stairs but I didn't hear a heartbeat so I wasn't worried so I just waited for the survivor to come up to the generator and help me repair it. But after about a minute of nobody coming and I actually just heard some heavy breathing, I stopped working on the generator and I looked behind me. I saw the Michelle Myers just looking at me while trying to hide behind the doorway so I instantly ran to the other doorway and up the stairs while I cursed myself because I must have given her so much stalk.

After I was done running away from Michelle, I began to go to the old Myers house because it always also has a generator in it. It was unfortunately the one person generator so once I started to repair it no one else could help me repair it. Again I worked on this generator until it was about 50 percent done when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but I again thought it was maybe a survivor because Michelle must have been chasing another survivor or another survivor must have her attention. So I waited for a little bit but I didn't know hear any more movement but I did hear breathing. So I looked behind me and sure enough I saw Michelle just looking at me. I immediately leapt out a window that didn't have a roof so I fell to the ground but I instantly got up and ran away.

After I was done running and I stopped to catch my breath. I was wondering why the hell she hadn't "tiered up". Because I would hear like a sound cue that alerts us that she had "tiered up" but that didn't happen so Michelle must have not been stalking me. Well not using her stalking power she must have just been normally stalking me. I was so confused because why was she just looking at me and not attacking me.

But that didn't matter now I needed to do another generator so I went to another house and I began to work on another generator when all of a sudden I was hit in the back of the head and I was knocked out.


I started to wake up and I noticed I was in the basement. I was lying on top of the chest in the basement and I also seem to have a blanket over me which I consider strange because I never saw a blanket around Haddonfield. I started to move around but my head hurt way to much and I ended falling off the chest. I landed on the cold basement floor and I let out a grunt and I guess this alerted to the person who knocked me out that I was awake. I heard the person begin to walk down the stairs that lead into the basement. I didn't have the strength to do anything so I just watched until I was able to see Michelle enter the basement and I immediately tried to get up and escape. But I couldn't my head hurt way too much so everytime I tried to get up I would just fall right back onto the floor. I eventually just gave up and said:

(Y/N): "if your gonna kill me just kill me..."

But she didn't kill me. She actually went over to me and picked me up bridal style and then she sat on the chest. She then positioned to where I was sitting on her lap. She then put her arms around my stomach essentially locking me in a hug. She then put her chin on my head and we sat there for about 5 minutes I think until I finally asked:

(Y/N): "What the hell is happening?"

She didn't answer me but she did tighten her hug around me not too much to hurt me but just enough to signify she did not want to let me go. She then dug her face into the crook of my neck which felt weird because she was wearing that mask. I was just trying to understand what was happening when I heard the heartbeat start to come up and I started to panic because I just remembered I'm still in a trial but once I started to hear the heartbeat I guess Michelle understood this and she picked me up and put me into a locker. Once she shut the locker she stood in front of it and just watched the entrance to the basement. After a little bit I saw the clown come down the stairs and he seemed pissed.

Clown: "Where the fuck is that last survivor!? I can't find him! Once I get my hands on him, I'm going to cut off all his god damn fingers!"

Michelle didn't react at all, she just stood in front of the locker and I guess this made the clown suspicious.

Clown: "Hey, why the fuck are you just sitting in front of the locker!? Get out of the way!"

He then shoved Michelle out of the way and opened the locker! He saw me so he grabbed me by the throat and threw me on the basement floor and he started laughing.

Clown: "Finally! I'm gonna make your death slow and painful!"

Before he could do anything tho Michelle got off the floor and stabbed him in the back. The clown fell to the floor and he said:

Clown: "What the fuck are you doing Michelle! I'm not the survivor!"

But she didn't seem to care because she went over to the clown and rose her foot over her head and crushed his head, killing him.

I would be disgusted at this if I didn't already see shit like this all the time. But after that Michelle picked me up bridal style, left the basement, and took me over to the hatch. I didn't question it so I quickly thanked her and I jumped into the hatch and I ended up back at the campfire.

The survivors immediately started questioning why I took so long and what I was doing but I didn't have the energy for this because my head still really hurt so I just went over to my tent and fell asleep.

Michelle's POV

I watched as he went into the tent I'm guessing to rest.

Michelle: "Mine"

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