Laurie x Killer! Reader

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(So In this story you will be a combination of the Deathslinger and the Nemesis. You will have the Deathslinger gun and you have 2 dogs (German Shepherds) constantly roaming the map. You will look like whatever you want to look like)

(Y/N)'s POV

Dear entity my shoulder is fucking killing me. I pulled out the piece of glass that was in my shoulder as I sat on the chest in the basement. My dogs even stopped patrolling the map and were right next to me trying to comfort me because they knew I was hurt and they knew I pretty much have given up on this trial. I only was able to catch each survivor once and when I caught Laurie the second time, she stabbed me with the piece of glass and ran off before I could shoot her with my gun I had. They had 4 generators done and all the other generators were so far apart I could never patrol them to keep survivors off them so I just gave up there was no point in even trying plus my shoulder hurt way too much to even want to try.

I was just looking at the floor just waiting for the survivors to finish the last generator when all of a sudden, my dogs started to growl at the stairs of basement while still being at my side so I looked up at the stairs knowing what they were growling at. They were clearly growling at a survivor, I just was so surprised to see Laurie standing as the base of the stairs just staring at me. I looked at her for a couple of seconds before I shushed my dogs and said:

(Y/N): "What are you doing down here? Are you gonna stab me again? I'm literally letting y'all escape! can't you just leave me alone?"

I watched her start to slowly walk towards me. She had guts which I knew she did because I loved the Halloween series so I watched her all the time facing off with Michael and I'm not gonna lie I always had a crush on her because I always thought she was pretty and I admired her fearlessness. I grabbed my gun which she saw as she took a few steps back before I just sighed and put it back down. I watched her come up to me, look at my wound, and started to open the med-kit she had.

(Y/N): "I don't need you to fix my would, I will survive." I said in a slight irritated tone

Laurie: "Well too bad I'm gonna bandage you up wether you like it or not."

God damn she had guts. She literally is now bandaging up a killer who was just trying to kill her not that long ago that could kill her now but I wasn't going to do that. Honestly I felt my face getting red because she was so close to me so I tried to hide to hide my face in the hoodie I was wearing. She finished bandaging my shoulder and even started to pet both of my dogs who fell for her because she just helped me. My dogs always loved people who helped me in any way like when the nurse helped me with a wound I got in one of my first trials my dogs instantly fell for her and now they always go crazy when they see her, and they always jump all over her and fight for her attention which she absolutely loves when this happens so I usually just leave them alone.

Laurie: "you know you are really bad at hiding your blush" she said while slightly chuckling

I was so surprised she just said this and she could see I was so surprised so she said this:

Laurie: "you know I know you don't want to be doing this. We all kinda know that because Meg told us when you apologized to her after you had hooked her one time. "

I was even more shocked at this and I just had nothing to say because she was right I didn't want to be doing this I didn't want to sacrifice this people who I know haven't done anything wrong. I looked at her for a couple a second with my mouth wide open before I closed my mouth and just looked at the floor again waiting for her to just leave because the last generator was just fixed. But she didn't in fact she stood in front of me then put her finger under my chin and lifted my face to be facing her and she kissed my cheek. My face instantly went red and covered my face with my hands because I never have had any type of affection like that besides from my mother.

Laurie: "Your so adorable I wish I didn't have to leave so soon but I have to. I'm so sorry cutie~" then she gave me a quick hug before she left the basement to escape.

I was teleported out of the trial and back into my realm which was just a zoo I always loved going to. I was so taken aback at what just happened that I layed down on a bed that was in a shop that was in the zoo and fell asleep to the thought of what my childhood crush just did to me.


I was teleported to the Badham Preschool to begin another trial so I let me dog loose and started to go towards the preschool to check the generator in the preschool. I went to the stairs that lead to the basement of the school and heard that the generator was being worked on so I aimed my gun towards where generator would be and quickly I rushed down the stairs and was about to fire my gun when I saw it was Laurie. I watch as she didn't even stop working on generator as she looked at me and then walked towards me and hugged me. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there while she hugged me and said:

Laurie: "Looks like I got a cute killer boyfriend now~"

I instantly went completely red. "Boyfriend?!" I thought as she was still hugging me then she went back to the generator and started to work on it again. I again didn't know what to do because I knew I should be trying to sacrifice the survivors but I didn't want to leave Laurie so I just went over to her and stood next to her awkwardly while she fixed the generator. Once she finished the generator she took my hand and went over to the part of the basement where there was a bed. she laid on the bed then patted the spot next to her and said:

Laurie: "Cuddles?"

I was so scared when she said this because I have never cuddled a human before so I said in kinda a quiet tone:

(Y/N): "I have never cuddled anyone before..."

I thought she was going to laugh at me but she didn't, she actually went "Awww" and told me she doesn't care and she wanted to cuddle with me. So I put my gun down next to the bed and slowly got into the bed next to her and she instantly put her arms around me and dug her face into my neck. I just wrapped my arms around her and put my chin on the top of her head and was just thought about how lucky I was.

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