Katyas Big Reveal

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Alex POV

I notice Adam staring at Kat but don't say anything. Eventually she notices but as soon as he saw us looking at him he looked away.



"we need to head back." I say. When I don't get a response I realize Katya has run off.

"Shoot, where'd she go?" I ask myself. "Sorry for interrupting your dinner, you are safe now," I say and remove myself from the room.

"Kat?" I softly call, but i don't get an answer.
Weird, alright.

I walk up the stairs, cautious of what could be waiting.

Suddenly Katyas voice drifts through a crack in the door,

"Sofiya byla skomprometirovana cho mne delat?"

"Russian," I confirm, "Mei?" I tap my earpiece, "mind translating?" I whisper.

"She said, Sophia has been compromised, what shall I do?"

"Holy" i cut off my thoughts as I realize Katyas stopped talking.

"Mei? What do I do?"
This is the ending for now, i might add more I'm not sure.
Hope you enjoyed my stories! I will be making others..
For those of you who've stuck with me all the way through the book, thank you! You are my motivation to keep going.

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