The Smoke Bomb Catastrophe

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Alex POV

We order some Chinese takeout for dinner, and go over the plan for the next two days.

"So lemme get this straight," Oliver says. "Tomorrow we're going to HQ, and the day after, we're gonna break into this guys"

"Adam" Kat interrupts. "His name is Adam."

"We're gonna break into Adam's house, and basically kidnap the government engineer person, and subdue your friend,"- he nods towards Katya.

"That's pretty much it yeah." I say.

"Alright then. So where do I fit in? You all have your jobs."

"Oh. Yeah.. Mike told us your supposed to be the driver.. cuz of your injury.."

"Oh. That's fair. Alright then so...." he paused, lost in thought. "Luca blows stuff up, you two break in, Mei is with me in the van doing her thing, Kats gonna bring me the engineer and we are gonna drive to HQ, while you and Luca deal with Sophia. Right?"

"Yeah that about sums it up. I say. We can't risk Sophia recognizing us though so we are going to have masks and stuff."

Mei interrupts, stating that one of her tech friends got back to her, saying that all our stuff is set up for us to get tomorrow. On that note, we all head off to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a very big day.

Oliver and I both woke up at five am somehow. We check the house to make sure nothing woke us up and once we find that the house is clear, we are too awake to manage sleeping.

The girls and Luca need to be awake soon anyway, we need to leave by six if we wanna get to HQ on time.

"Hey guys.. damn your up early." Mei walks in rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?"She asks.

"It's about 6:25, is Kat up?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. We both got up around the same time. I think Luca is still sound asleep though." She replies.

I sigh, "of course he is." I shake my head in disapproval. "That's okay, let's get everything into the car and wake him up last minute. He needs all the sleep he can get if we expect him to be wide awake so he doesn't accidentally blow up HQ like last time."

Katya laughs as she comes down the stairs, no doubt hearing what I said.

"That was hilarious though." she says still laughing, trying to catch her breath.

"We had to evacuate HQ.. hah.. and Mike was standing there... watching Luca sleep-bomb HQ with paintballs because...hah... he wanted to practice his aim and thought... haha.. that he was using real smoke bombs.." she managed to finish her sentence although she was still wheezing between words.

"Oh yeah!" Mei chimes in. "I remember that!"
"We walked back in after Luca had woken up and got escorted off premises, and there was splatter paint everywhere. Even Mike was covered in some." She laughs.

Suddenly we hear a thunk from upstairs. No one else is up there except Luca. I'm about to dart up the stairs when Luca stumbles down, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

Luca, Mei, Katya, or Alex? Or even Oliver?

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