Chips and Plans

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Luca POV:

We board our private jet and get comfortable in our seats. As soon as the pilot gets the all-clear, we take off. Katya and Mei decided earlier that they want to make a schedule, so we don't get sidetracked.

once we are allowed to take the seatbelts off, they move to the table, while I raid the snack bar. With my mouth full of chips, I manage to ask,

"Won't the mission timing rely on the Russian? Why are you making a schedule?"

Because there are plenty of other things we can do in the meantime. The only part we have no control over, is when the Russian spy gets invited to dinner. Whatever happens we cannot let her get away with the government engineer. Okay?"

"Ohhh... okay y'a i get it now."

I stock up on Lays, my favorite chips, and walk back to the table to join the rest of my group.

Katy- I mean Kate says that once we get to our 'house' we have to check for bugs. She tells us that while we are doing that it gives us the perfect opportunity to explore the house.

Once we know it's a bug free zone, we can claim rooms and such and then unpack. Mei chimes in, explaining that "the first week should be for identifying our target and the mayors son.

The second week we must try to get close to the target and the mayors son. Hopefully we can stop the target before she goes for dinner with the mayor. If not, we will have to get creative."I smile at the double meaning, only Me- I mean Mia, is able to do that in a way that makes sense. I don't really wanna kill anyone though... meh, the others will. If it comes to that.

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