Talking to Adam

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I sit in the back of the van, Oliver's in the drivers seat watching the house with some binoculars.

I tap my earpiece and talk to Luca, although everyone else can hear me.

"Alright Luca I can see you on the cameras, I see all of you on the cameras, when your in position I'll erase the footage and make it look like we were never here."



Replies chime through the earpieces as I start erasing footage,

Lucas voice comes through the comms, "I'm walking up the walkway now, going radio silent."

He doesn't know that I put a tracking device on him, it's for the better.

He's pretty insistant about boundaries ever since he moved here. Being in a cartel will do that to you.

His voice filters through, "Hey can I talk to Adam?"

"Sure lemme grab him."

"I rolled the smoke bomb in guys, just tell me whe- AAAdam.. Umm me and the guys were wondering if you wanted to come play football?"

"Oh umm I actually have my friend over for dinner? Sorry maybe next time."


"Luca return to position." I say through the comms link.

"Everyone ready?"

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