Bertha and Bob

18 3 1


Mei pov

I steer the conversation back on track before everyone turns to fighting, deciding words aren't enough. Lucky my question about school distracts them. They all nod that they are.

I pointedly look at Katya and tell her to remember that Cali's higher ups don't know we are here, so we cant take any big 'specialized tools' to the school. She pouts, but reluctantly agrees.

I turn my head back towards the rest of the group and remind them that tomorrow we must call each other by our covers and pretend that we are all part of one, big, foster family.

"lets go check if the pizza arrived its been about half an hour since we called." We all walk into the entryway and put our shoes on, then we walk outside.

"this would be an ideal time to explore the neighborhood, everyones eating dinner or curled up on the couch." I explain.

We find our way to Crescent court and see the pizza delivery truck parked in front of a house. We start sprinting towards it but we are too late.

We hear the house door slam and the delivery truck pulls out and drives away. We run up the steps, taking a breather before ringing the doorbell. <ding-dong>  a grumpy looking grandpa opens the door.

" whadya want?"

"umm... hi. We ordered a pizza but they must've heard the address wrong, we saw the truck and were wondering if that was our pizza."

"Oh. Well. What did you order?"

"It was, one pepperoni and one veggie pizza."



"can you check if the pizza is one pepperoni and one veggie?"

"why yes it is. Who's at the door Bob?"

"Some kids from the block, hey wait a minute weren't we supposed to have a group of kids move into 5925?"

"Yeah, Bertha replies. You guys from that house cross the way?"

"Yes we just moved in, you guys are the other agents? Really?"

"Don't mess wit me boy. Take your pizza. We're here if y'a need us."


"Thank you!" Alex shouts as we run down the steps and out into the road.

About an hour later, we are all stuffed full of pizza with a few slices for tomorrow, I guess. I remind everyone that school starts at 8:15, so we should all wake up around 6:45.

That way we have time to go over a day plan so that our days aren't completely wasted. We make use of the TV that we found in the family room, and watch some movies until about 10 pm.

After that we retire to our bedrooms and do what we want until about 10:30. After that we go to sleep.

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