Ch 33 {Uncharted Territory}

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\\ Hayloft //

\\ Mother Mother //


Ain't nothing like walking up to a new day while being seasick on a rocking ship. At that point, you might as well jump off to escape the torture. Sadly, that was how Kaminari felt at the moment and the others couldn't take the stench of his vomit anymore.

"For the last time, Denki... Drink your, Scopolamine!" Yaoyorozu angrily whispered while trying to spoon-feed it to him. He was resisting, of course.

"No! I don't want it! It tastes horrible!"

"Well, it's gonna taste more horrible when I blast it down your throat if you don't stop whining and take it like a man!" Bakugo interrupted nearby.

Kaminari grabbed the spoon and drank all the medicine even though he hated it. Anything was worth it if it meant he got to avoid Bakugo's wrath.

Currently, the six young heroes were in the engine room where no one would see them. It kept them warm plus with Yaoyorozu's quirk, they had all they needed till they reached Japan. Well, almost everything.

"I wish there was a bathroom down here...!" Hagakure whined.

"Well, go find one! I doubt you'd get caught..." Bakugo kissed his teeth.

"Tsk! That's easy for you to say, Bakugo. You're a guy. You just whip it out and go anywhere..." She grumbled, leaving the group circle.

"Be quicker this time around," Kaminari said.

"Yeah, yeah..." She said giving him the finger. Thankfully, he didn't notice.

"Let's just hope Hagakure doesn't get caught," Yaoyorozu said to which Bakugo scoffed.

"Wouldn't that be the day?"


"So... What do you think we'll encounter?" Sitting in the dinette, Manual asked Aizawa, Edgeshot, Rock Lock, and Gran Torino, while fiddling with his fingers.

"We can encounter a lot of things... Zombies. Animals. Even old friends..." Gran Torino said.

"Regardless, we need to be ready. Otherwise, no one is going home..." Aizawa regrettably admitted, which Rock Lock nodded to.

"Yeah, I can't have that... Too much is at stake..." Rock Lock sighed, leaning back into the leather booth they sat around.

"Yeah. Eri is too important," Manual agreed.

"Not just Eri, although she is important. More so, my family," Rock Lock corrected to Manaul's surprise.

"You have a family? I never realized."

"Yep. My wife and son are waiting for me at the end of this, and without Eri, there's no coming home. That being said, nothing will stop me from saving Eri and ensuring their future is bright." 

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Ken..." Aizawa agreed under his breath while Manual nodded out of respect. After all, he shared the same sentiment.

"Well... I'm going to use the bathroom. Hold the fort till I'm back," Edgeshot got up and left.

"Roger that," Gran Torino saluted.

Trekking up a flight of stairs, Edgeshot was about to enter the men's bathroom when suddenly the door to the girl's bathroom swung open but no one was there.

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