Ch 9 {Cold}

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Everyone ran down the mall as Aizawa and Ectoplasm led the way. Any zombie they passed was either encased in ice or stuck in it, and it didn't look like they were breaking out any time soon. An issue the others were happy Todoroki dealt with. Besides a certain girl, of course.

"Jeez, Todoroki! Did you have to make everything so cold? I'm freezing my butt off over here," Hagakure shivered as they followed Aizawa.

"Then maybe you should've worn something this time around," Todoroki blurted out as Iida and Yaoyorozu ran in front of him.

"Wow... I would've never expected you to be the rude type," she retorted.

"I'm not rude. I'm just telling you the truth. If you're cold then next time wear something," he responded.

"He's right, Invisible Chick. I don't think it's even safe for you to be naked out here anyway," Bakugo gagged, remembering the incident.

"But I'm not naked! I have armor on thanks to Momo! Just not around my butt..." she whispered the last part.

"Clearly," Mineta laughed as he ran behind her.

"How the hell did you get behind me, perv!" She groaned in annoyance while shoving him ahead of her.

"Hey!" He complained.

"Ribbit. Will you ever mature, Mineta?" Tsu rolled her eyes as she too shivered from the cold.

"I'll make no such promises," he grinned, receiving a slap from Hagakure.

"Too bad we're in a mall and can't even shop. It would've been so nice to pick out an outfit," Yaoyorozu sulked as they passed a store.

"That's what you're thinking about at a time like this?!" Iida exclaimed.


Noticing an approaching intersection, Aizawa slowly halted his steps as well as everyone else. Iida wondered why they were coming to a stop when he realized where they were.

There was a water fountain that mirrored the exact shape of a skylight above which allowed light into the building. In addition, there were four concourses, including the one they ran through, that would lead them to the exits. There was no doubt about it in his mind. They were in the center of the mall.

"Jiro! Let's find these children," Aizawa called for her among the nineteen students.

"Move aside, people! It's my time to shine," Jiro cracked her knuckles as she moved through the group of teens.

Walking up to the water fountain, she plugged her earphones into the ground and used her incredible quirk to search for the children. A task that wouldn't take long but still required time and patience.

"So once we find these people, we'll head to the bus, right?" Kaminari fiddled with his thumbs.

"Jeez, I wonder, sparky. What do you think?" Bakugo asked sarcastically.


Just then, Jiro lit up with joy. "I found them, Mr. Aizawa!" She said.


"They're on the second floor in a clothing store to the right. Once you pass nine stores, you should reach the store. Also, they're two more survivors. One in the food court and the other in the last store down there," she explained, pointing to the right concourse.

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