Ch 20 {Fall Of Japan}

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\\ Apocalypse //

\\ Cigarettes After Sex //

~ 1:00 ~


"Oh no! The bad man is coming!"

"Then let's go before he gets us!" Eri innocently said perched on her bed.

She had an All Might figure in her hand while Mirio had an Eraserhead doll. They started playing an hour ago and couldn't stop now.

"But where can we go? There's no way out!" He waved the doll around.

"We can go underground! He won't find us down there."

"What about the others? We can't leave them!"

"Then we need to... We..." She paused.

Waiting for her reply, he could tell she was having trouble with her words and wanted to encourage her. "It's okay, Eri. Take your time," he said.

"I... Forgot what I was going to say." She lowered her head disappointed.

"Don't beat yourself up, Eri. Just make something up. Besides, you'll remember eventually."

"But no matter what I do... I can't do anything right! It's like nothing I do works..." She softly said.

This was interesting. For a second he thought she was talking about their game until he recalled her words. Now it was all making sense.

"Is this about my powers?" He asked.

She quietly nodded.

Getting off his ass, he took a knee in front of her and lifted her chin. "Don't be hard on yourself, Eri. You ARE doing things right. Give it time and you'll be rewinding all sorts of people in no time. Not just me. Okay?"

"You think so?" She softly asked.

"I know so."

"But what if I-?"

"Nope. Don't even question it. And hey. Quirkless or not, I'll always be there to protect you. Deal?" He raised his palm.

Pondering his words, Eri smiled and feel confident again. Once her spirits were raised, she shuffled to the edge of her bed and gave him a high five.


"YEAH. See? Was that so hard?" He asked trying to tickle her feet.

"Haha! No! Stop!" She giggled, hiding under the sheets.

"Okay, okay. Now..." He inhaled. "Where were we?" Mirio grabbed the doll as she crawled out of the bed.

"Mr. All Might was about to leave when-"

"Mirio!" The door suddenly opened.

Turning around, Mirio looked at his friends and was shocked to see blood on their costumes. Earlier that day he knew they left for Jaku to evacuate people but never did he imagine them coming back covered in blood. Such a sight even made Eri scared.

"What happened to you guys?! Did the evacuation go as planned?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have time to explain. We need to leave right now!" Nejire sounded like she was about to have a heart attack as she started to pack Eri's things into a bag.

What Remains | Bnha Zombies | MHA Fanfic | Action/AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang